
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Study buddies.

Chapter 21

Aug 30, 2023

As finals week approaches, the three of you find yourselves buried in textbooks and notes, trying to prepare for your exams. The festive atmosphere of the party feels like a distant memory, replaced by the mounting pressure and anxiety that comes with the end of the semester.

Hoping that working together will help you retain information and reduce your stress levels, you’re all holed up in Laura and Jo's dorm room. The small space is cluttered with papers, highlighters, and empty cups of coffee, evidence of the long hours you've spent studying together.

Laura sits on her bed, her legs crossed beneath her as she focuses on a thick textbook, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Jo lounges on her bed, sifting through her notes, occasionally mumbling under her breath as she tries to commit the information to memory.

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You sit at the small desk in the corner of the room, your notes spread out in front of you, equations blurring into meaningless scribbles. The silence is punctuated by the rustle of pages and the occasional sigh of frustration, the tension in the room palpable as you all work to absorb the material.

As the hours tick by, you take short breaks to stretch your legs or grab a snack. Returning from one of these breaks, you take in the sight of Laura. She looks stressed out, the pressure of her upcoming exams taking a toll on her.

Her tense body language and furrowed brow speak volumes, and you feel compelled to do something to help her relax.

Setting your notes aside, you gently tap Laura on the shoulder to get her attention. "Hey, you’ve been grinding on that for a while now, you’ve earned a break," you say softly. "Chill out for a second and let me give you a back rub."

Laura looks up from her textbook, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion. "That sounds nice," she admits, her voice cracking slightly. "I’ve been hunched over this stupid thing so long I’m going to be folded in half permanently."

She shifts her position on the bed, turning her back to you and sitting cross-legged. You kneel behind her, your hands resting lightly on her shoulders as you begin to gently massage her tense muscles.

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As you work your fingers into the knots of tension along Laura's back, you can feel her gradually begin to relax, her breathing slowing as she sinks into the soothing sensation of your touch. Her head tilts forward, allowing her neck to stretch and release some of the strain from hours hunched over her textbook.

The room falls silent, save for the quiet sounds of your hands working on Laura's back and her occasional moans of relief.

As you gently massage her shoulders, stress starts to melt away and she begins to look more at ease. Your fingers skillfully work their way along her neck and down her spine, relieving the tension that had built up from hours of studying.

Jo watches from the sidelines, predictably intrigued by the display of affection and the growing intimacy between you and Laura. Her eyes follow your hands as they move across Laura's back, and there's a hint of something more than curiosity in her gaze.

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As Laura's eyes flutter closed, she lets out a soft, contented sigh, clearly enjoying the relief your massage is providing. "This feels amazing," she purrs, her voice appreciative. "You’re good at this. What a perk."

As you continue to massage Laura's back, it’s clear her bra is getting in the way of your efforts to fully alleviate her tension. You make an executive decision and confidently unhook her bra and slide the straps down her arms, gently pulling the garment free from under her tank top. The movement of the bra against her skin causes Laura to take in a sharp breath, but she quickly relaxes into your hands again.

Jo watches with growing interest from her spot across the room, her earlier curiosity now clearly infused with desire as she takes in the intimate scene unfolding before her. She looks torn between just letting things unfold before her and speaking, but naturally, she can’t resist a comment, her words carrying a note of admiration. "You know, Laura, you look incredibly sexy without a bra. It suits you."

Laura smiles at Jo's words, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she replies, "Gotta let the girls out sometimes. I shouldn’t have even been wearing one in the first place, it’s not like we’re going anywhere."

The atmosphere in the room shifts as you continue to massage Laura's back, the air thick with sensuality. As you work, your fingers skillfully working their way along her neck and down her spine, Laura's soft moans of pleasure fill the room. The sensual atmosphere is impossible to ignore, and soon enough, Jo's full attention is drawn away from her studies and onto the intimate scene playing out before her.

You glance over at Jo, your eyes locking with hers as she watches the massage with undisguised interest. Sensing the charged atmosphere, Jo offers you a playful wink and flashes you a thumbs-up. A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips in response to Jo's gesture.

Jo pipes up again, interrupting the chorus of Laura’s soft moans, "You know, I've heard that some people carry a lot of stress in their boobs. I just read about it in my textbook. I know I do sometimes." She pauses for a moment, casting a mischievous glance at Laura. "Maybe Laura does too."

Laura, clearly amused, plays along, "Oh, Jo, you're too funny, and oh so knowledgeable. I didn't realize that was a thing," she replies, exaggerating an airheaded tone.

Jo's grin widens as she continues to tease, looking at you as she says, "Well, if that's the case, maybe our talented masseur here should do something about it. What do you think, Laura? Are you up for trying something new?"

Laura, caught off guard by the suggestion, hesitates for a moment before responding. She looks into your eyes. Seeing the playful curiosity reflected in your gaze, she decides to go along with the idea, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. "Why not? Let's give it a try."

As you reposition yourself slightly, closer to Laura, Jo leans in for a better view. You gently place one hand on her shoulder, encouraging her to lean back into your embrace. Laura complies, situating herself comfortably between your legs as she leans her head back onto your chest.

With her body nestled against yours, you carefully reach around her with both hands, your fingers poised just above her breasts. You take a moment, looking at Jo and her focus on the scene in front of her. Then, you begin by gently pressing your fingertips into the sides of her breasts, using slow, circular motions to knead the soft tissue.

Laura's breath catches slightly as your hands begin their delicate work, her body tensing momentarily before she exhales and allows herself to truly relax into the experience. You maintain your tender touch, gradually working your way inward toward the center of her chest. With each gentle stroke, you can feel the tension dissipating from her body, replaced with excitement.

While you concentrate on your massage, Jo watches intently from her spot, her eyes following the fluid movements of your hands as they glide over Laura's skin. Her gaze is hot with desire, taking in the detail of your hand movements as your fingers caress her breasts with gentle precision, gradually moving to massage the entire area. You use your thumbs to apply light pressure along the natural curve of her breasts. Laura moans, rolling her head back into your chest, the delicate lines of her neck exposed to you. You lean down, planting a soft kiss, and she moans again, her hand straying back to the outside edge of your thigh.

Jo’s eyes flick between your attentive hands and the expressions of pleasure on Laura's face. "Fuck, you two are so hot."

She grins and adds, "In fact, it's making me hot." With a dramatic flourish, Jo pulls her sweatshirt over her head and tosses it aside, revealing just a bra underneath. She fans herself with her hand and winks at you two.

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Laura laughs, opening her eyes and pulling out of her trance for a moment. She looks at Jo, and then turns around and looks at you. “Guys I’m… like, crazy turned on. Is this ok with you? Is what we talked about…” You nod at Laura, your erection growing harder. “Jo? We, uh, talked about this. I’m leaving soon, and I like the idea of you watching, like we talked about at the party… and I figure this is our only chance to try anything… if it’s too weird we can stop here, I guess –”

Jo interrupts her, beaming. “Are you kidding? This is a dream come true!” She shifts her gaze to you, making a shooing motion, “Put those hands back to work before she changes her mind!”

The three of you laugh, and you see resolve, and a little bit of nervousness cross over Laura’s face. You know this expression intimately now, it’s her boldness manifested. Any concern you have about her feeling pressured into this evaporates. In response, you turn her around and kiss her, a deep, passionate kiss, and you feel her tension totally melt away. The kiss ends, and Laura flashes a coy smile at you. “How about we pick that up where we left off? I liked what you were doing with your hands.”

She twists back around, pressing her back against you. You slide your hands along her front again, feeling her breasts beneath her tank top. Tentatively, you slide the straps down her arms and pull down her tank top, completely exposing her breasts. Her breath flutters, and you return your hands to her now bare breasts, gliding over the surface. She moans again, deeper, and more breathless.

You slide your thumbs over her nipples, and she gasps as you move across them. “Softly, I’m sensitive right now,” she whispers, and you oblige, lightly brushing your fingertips over their sensitive peaks.

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Your gaze flits to Jo across the room, who is trailing a hand across her breasts, her movements gentle and exploratory. She maintains her focus on the intimate scene unfolding between you and Laura, and makes eye contact with you as you take the sight of her as she softly touches herself, mirroring your motions. She smiles at you, less a classic Jo grin and more an honest and genuine desire. You smile back and nod. Emboldened, she shifts, spreading her legs and trailing her hand slowly down her front, settling on the space between her legs. She softly applies pressure, her lips parting, eyes closing, in a silent expression of pleasure as she starts to touch herself.

As your hands glide down Laura's body, you sense her anticipation building, her breath catching in her throat as your fingers approach her hips. In unison, Jo's movements become more deliberate, her eyes locked on your intimate connection with Laura, a silent witness to the passion unfolding.

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With no hesitation, Jo unhooks her bra, throwing it across the room, revealing her ample breasts.

You gently part Laura's thighs, your fingers dancing over the sensitive skin, teasing her with the promise of pleasure. She gasps, her hips shifting involuntarily, her body eager for your touch. Jo mirrors this eagerness, her fingers gliding along her own body as she watches you and Laura with rapt attention.

Your fingertips trace the waistband of Laura's shorts, the subtle movement causing her to shudder in anticipation. She twists around, her eyes meet yours, a silent invitation that spurs you to gently slide your hand beneath the fabric. Laura moans again raising a hand to run it through your hair, her body in front of you stretching out, unable to contain her excitement.

As your fingers explore Laura as she writhes in front of you, you notice Jo's gaze never wavers, her own hand slipping beneath the waistband of her shorts as she mimics your actions. As the energy in the room intensifies, you can feel the connection between the three of you growing stronger, a shared exploration of desire and intimacy that binds you together.

Your fingertips finally slip into Laura, eliciting a moan from her that echoes across the room, a symphony of pleasure that resonates within Jo as she continues to pleasure herself. You take your time, savoring the sensation of Laura's body responding to your touch while also taking in Jo's reactions. Each gasp, each whispered moan, and each shudder of pleasure draws you deeper into the moment.

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With a gentle tug, you begin to remove Laura's shorts, the fabric sliding down her legs like a whispered promise of pleasure. Laura lifts her hips to assist, her eyes locked on yours, a mixture of trust and desire shining within them. Jo, in a similar fashion, hooks her thumbs into her shorts, peeling them away from her body and letting them fall to the floor.

Now, with the last barrier removed, your fingers delve deeper, Laura's body responding eagerly to your touch. Her moans grow more urgent, the sound mingling with Jo's own breathy sighs, creating a chorus of passion that fills the room. Jo copies your movements, giving herself the same pleasure you give Laura. The lines between voyeur and participant blur as you all surrender to the shared experience.

Laura's body arches, her naked body rubbing delightfully against yours, her breath coming in short gasps as she relishes the sensations coursing through her. You notice Jo's pace increasing as well, her eyes darting between you and Laura. For a brief moment, the room falls silent, save for the sound of your combined breaths.

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As your fingers continue to bring Laura pleasure, she suddenly reaches for your hand, her eyes locking with yours. "Wait," she breathes, her voice heavy with desire. With a playful grin, she adds, "It's only fair that you get to enjoy this too."

Nodding in agreement, Jo chimes in, her voice a sultry whisper, "Yeah, I was starting to think that Laura was a greedy lover, you should join us."

With a smile, you allow Laura to guide your hands away from her body. She rises to her feet, her fingers deftly working at the buttons of your shirt. As the fabric parts, she leans in to press a searing kiss against your chest, her eyes never leaving yours.

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You can feel the heat of her body as she continues to undress you, the anticipation building as each new piece of clothing is removed. Jo watches intently, her own hands still moving in rhythm with her desires.

As Laura finishes undressing you, the air in the room feels electrified, charged with desire and anticipation. She stands before you, her eyes filled with a mischievous spark.

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Laura gently takes your hand, guiding it to her body as she presses herself against you. The warmth of her skin and the intoxicating scent of her arousal send shivers down your spine. Your heart races, and you feel a growing need to reciprocate the pleasure she has experienced.

Jo's gaze remains locked on the passionate display before her, a sultry smile playing at the corners of her lips. As she watches Laura's tender exploration of your body, she suddenly speaks up, her voice a sultry purr. "Come on, stop teasing him and put it in your mouth," she demands, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

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Laura pauses for a moment, her eyes meeting yours, searching for your silent approval. Sensing your agreement, she flashes a grin and lowers herself to her knees. You feel a thrill of excitement course through you, your heart pounding in anticipation of the pleasure that awaits.

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As Laura's lips draw nearer, you can't help but steal a glance at Jo, who watches the scene unfold with rapt attention. Her encouragement just fuels the desire that burns between the three of you.

Laura's skilled tongue sends waves of pleasure through your body, each sensation amplified by the knowledge that both she and Jo are sharing in your experience.

Jo's eyes remain fixed on the passionate exchange between you and Laura, her fingers tracing slow, deliberate circles against her own body as she takes in every detail. You watch her react to each of your moans and gasps, the intensity of her movements growing in tandem with the scene unfolding before her.

Laura continues to pleasure you, her lips alternating between kisses up and down your length and fully taking you into her mouth. Jo's breathy sighs mingle with your own. She offers words of encouragement, her voice soft and sultry. "You two look incredible together, god I love watching you work that dick," she murmurs, her eyes never leaving the intimate dance playing out before her. You feel the weight of her gaze, like hands on your body, the sight of her pleasuring herself driving you ever closer to the edge.

Laura takes your erection out of her mouth and pumps the length with her hand, kissing your lower stomach, and you can feel the intensity building within you, a crescendo of sensation that threatens to set you off. The air in the room is heavy with desire, Jo’s eyes glued to your erection in Laura’s hand.

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Jo's breathy moans grow more urgent, her movements becoming more deliberate as she nears her own climax. You feel yourself teetering on the edge of release, the powerful waves of pleasure crashing over you as you struggle to maintain control. Jo’s also struggling not to come, her body trembling with anticipation as she races towards her own moment of ecstasy.

Suddenly, it’s too much. As your release finally washes over you, you let out a guttural moan, the intensity of the sensation nearly overwhelming. You unload, Laura putting you back into her mouth as you finish. At the same time, Jo's own climax arrives, her moans joining yours. The room is filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and the lingering echoes of passion.

As the waves of pleasure slowly subside, you find yourself catching your breath, the sensations of your climax still coursing through your veins. Laura gazes at you with a mixture of pride and affection, her eyes shining with love and desire. Jo, also recovering, watches the two of you with a contented smile. She’s sprawled out, her presence feeling right to you even in post-climax clarity.

Finally regaining some semblance of control, you turn your attention back to Laura, a surge of warmth and desire flooding your chest. Determined to repay her for the pleasure she has given you, you gently guide her down onto the soft sheets, your eyes locked on hers as you silently promise to bring her the same ecstasy she gave you.

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As you lower your head, your lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, you can feel Laura's body tense with anticipation. Your movements are slow and deliberate, her arousal is already close to its peak.

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With each kiss and caress, Laura's breathy moans grow more insistent, her body writhing beneath your touch as she surrenders to your tongue. Jo continues to watch from the sidelines, her eyes full of admiration and desire, her body language already tensing back up.

You continue to lavish Laura with attention with your tongue and fingers, her moans filling the air. Jo's fingers slowly begin to explore her own body once more, her movements deliberate and sensual. Jo's breathy sighs mingle with Laura's, again, an encore to the previous symphony. As she watches your tender ministrations, her eyes meet yours, a sultry smile dancing on her lips as she speaks. "You're doing an incredible job," she murmurs, her voice thick with arousal. "Keep going, she's loving it."

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Her words of encouragement send a thrill of excitement through you. As you continue to pleasure Laura, her moans growing more urgent, you can feel the tension building within her, signaling that she is nearing the edge. At the same time, Jo's breathy sighs grow more insistent, her fingers moving with increased fervor as she approaches her second peak.

With one final, tender touch, Laura releases, her cries of pleasure filling the room. Almost simultaneously, Jo climaxes again. Both girls shake and buck, and you bask in the sight and sounds of their mutual orgasms.

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As the intensity of the moment fades, the room is filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the lingering echoes of pleasure. You and Laura lay tangled together, a warm cocoon of shared intimacy and affection. Jo is starfished out, completely spent, looking at the ceiling.

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Jo breaks the comfortable silence, her voice soft and breathless. "I can't believe I came twice," she confesses, a note of wonder and gratitude in her tone. "That was absolutely incredible. Holy shit I’m almost ready for round three."

You and Laura exchange a loving glance, the warmth of your love for one another radiating through the room. "I… liked that a lot," Laura agrees, her hand reaching out to gently stroke Jo's arm.

As the three of you continue to bask in the afterglow of your shared experience, the atmosphere in the room shifts to one of contentment and relaxation. The warmth of Laura’s skin against yours feels comforting. Delicately, you trace your fingers along her arm, enjoying the sensation of her smooth skin beneath your fingertips. She leans her head on your shoulder, her chest rising and falling in tandem with yours as you both settle into the moment.

You gently stroke her hair, feeling its softness between your fingers as you let the soothing motion calm your racing heart. She sighs contentedly at your touch, and it feels good that you've managed to bring her such peace and happiness.

As you glance over at Jo, you notice her still lying there naked, her body fully relaxed and at ease. She is completely carefree, basking in the afterglow of the intimate experience she shared with you and Laura. The satisfaction she feels from the encounter is clearly visible on her face. Her big, radiant smile seems to light up the room. Her hair is slightly tousled, framing her glowing face and accentuating her natural beauty. Her chest rises and falls gently with each breath.

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The sight of Jo in this state of contentment makes you unquestionably happy. You realize now you’ve never seen her truly relaxed, and that she really needed this. Instead of feeling guilty, or dirty, you feel good, happy to have shared this with both girls. Sure, she’s been broadcasting her sexual frustration in the least subtle way for over a month, but seeing her like this, blissed out on her bed, really drives the point home by contrast.

As the minutes pass, your breathing slows, and the room begins to cool down. Laura starts some relaxing music as the three of you settle, adding a comfortable soundtrack to your post-coital bliss. The obligatory dorm fairy lights cast a warm, gentle glow, adding a magical quality to the atmosphere.

As you continue to gently stroke Laura's hair, you softly ask, "How are you feeling?"

Her voice is mellow and slightly sleepy as she responds, "I feel great, really... that was awesome."

The soothing atmosphere is momentarily punctuated by Jo's sudden burst of high energy, as she interjects, pumping fists into the air, "Guys, I just have to say, that was the best fucking set orgasms I've ever had!"

The three of you burst into laughter. The lighthearted moment shakes off whatever intense latent energy was in the space, and any doubts you had about this encounter making things weird between the three of you vanish.

As your laughter subsides, you exchange warm smiles with Laura and Jo. Laura's expression becomes more serious as she turns to Jo, hesitating a bit as she tries to choose her words carefully. "Jo, I just want to say that, like, I know we've been, um, slowly building up to this for a while, but I think I've reached my hard limit here. Like, I don’t want to go further. I hope that's okay with you.” She looks down, awkwardly, unsure. “I just... Are you sure you'll be okay with only watching and not joining in?"

Jo, sitting up and getting serious, takes a moment before responding. "I don’t know… but I want to make sure I get what you’re saying. So, you're saying you're cool with me being here and watching, and like, getting myself off, and mr. charming over here watching me, but not actually touching him, or him touching me, right?"

Laura bites her lip, thinking about her feelings and how to express them. "Yeah, I mean, that's what I'm trying to say. I know it’s kind of just like a feeling I have, and it’s not that different, like, objectively if you touch him or not, but it feels different to me for some reason.” She looks at you, and you smile, nodding at her to continue. “I'm really glad you're here and a part of this, but I feel most comfortable with just the two of us being physically involved. I guess it's not just about the physical aspect, but also the emotional one. I don't want to share my boyfriend, you know? It's not that I don't trust you or care about you, it's just how I feel."

Jo, feeling the need to move, gracefully lifts herself from the comfortable spot where she's been sitting. Her naked body stretches languidly, each muscle extending and flexing as she arches her back and reaches her arms overhead. The warm light in the room casts a soft glow on her skin, emphasizing the natural curves of her body.

After her satisfying stretch, Jo scans the room for something to wear and spots a fluffy robe draped over a nearby chair. She saunters over, her movements fluid and unhurried, and picks up the robe. As she slips her arms into the sleeves, the plush fabric envelops her body.

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Jo takes a deep breath, trying to process her own feelings about the situation. "I get it, Laura. I won't lie,” she makes eye contact with you, “I really want you to do to me what you do to her, well, I got off imagining it…” she smiles at you, “But hey, just because you’re my roommate doesn’t mean I get free access to those hands. And that tongue…” Laura laughs, and you somehow still involuntarily blush, even after all you’ve been through tonight.

Jo continues, “I guess what I’m saying is, ‘no problem girlfriend, your boy toy, your rules.’”

Laura looks into Jo's eyes, trying to gauge her sincerity. "Thank you, Jo. But I have to ask, are you really okay with never going to that point? And do you still want to watch? Like, would it be easier to just set up a hard line where we don’t do this again? I know we’ve been escalating, but this is it. For real."

Jo pauses for a moment, considering her own desires and the dynamic between the three of you. "Fuck it! I want to watch you suck that dick more!”

Laura rolls her eyes. “What’s with the two of you? He did this to me the other day, call it something romantic, please! Like, I don’t know, getting intimate with my mouth or something.”

Jo grins at Laura. “Deal. And for real, if I ever feel like it's too much for me or my feelings change, I'll let you know, and we can talk about it."

"Definitely, Jo. Thank you." Laura’s words carry a meaningful sincerity that makes you proud to be her boyfriend. She turns her attention to you. “And you, my lover, how do you feel about all of this?”

“Hey, I’m easy. I’m living the dream over here. Whatever you girls work out, I’m down.”

Jo winks at you. “Good boy.”

Laura’s gaze flicks over to the various piles of notebooks, index cards, and textbooks strewn about the room. “Well, it’ll be a lot easier to focus on finals now…”

Jo throws her head back dramatically, comically rolling her eyes. “Seriously? Can’t you relax in a post-orgasmic afterglow for like, five minutes?”

And with that, the hard conversation is over, the boundaries are set, and the three of you settle back into your study pattern, comfortable and content.