
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Au revoir.

Chapter 23

Sep 13, 2023

The fluorescent lights of the airport reflect brightly off the polished white floors, giving the whole space an unearthly glow. Despite the early hour, the check-in area buzzes with activity - travelers hauling luggage, shuffling through security, clutching coffee cups like lifelines.

But you notice none of the chaos around you - your focus stays entirely on Laura. She stands before you clutching her passport, nerves on her face. Stray wisps of hair frame her face, having escaped even the generous confines of her typical loose hairstyle. Her eyes radiate a mix of excitement and hesitance.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You step forward and envelop her in a tight embrace, wanting to absorb every detail of this moment together. She pulls into you, hard, her breath warm on your neck. Neither of you speak for several heartbeats.

Finally, you pull back just enough to see her face, gently tucking those stray strands behind her ear. Her eyes glisten with building tears, making your chest ache.

"No sad faces allowed yet," you say, ghosting your thumb under her lashes to catch the tears. "Think of how much fun you’re going to have!"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She gives you a trembling smile. "I know, I know. Happy tears, promise." She pauses, taking a shaky breath. "I'm just...going to miss this. Miss you."

Despite your own swirling emotions, you put on a brave face. "Me too. But we've got this."

You brush your lips against hers - a lingering, tender kiss.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

When you finally separate, foreheads touching, her smile looks more sure. She takes your hand, intertwining your fingers.

"Walk me to security?" she asks softly. With a nod, you grab the handle of her suitcase and turn towards departures.

You walk hand in hand towards security, neither of you rushing. When you reach the ropes guiding the line, other travelers maneuver around you but you barely notice.

Laura turns to face you, eyes shimmering. "I wish you could come with me," she says wistfully.

You squeeze her hand. "Me too. But we'll see each other again before you know it."

She nods, biting her lip. You pull her into one more tight embrace, breathing in the floral scent of her shampoo, caressing the soft waves of her hair.

Too soon, you feel her pull back. She looks up at you, managing a trembling smile. "I should go. Don't want to miss my flight."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear, cupping her cheek. "Have the most amazing time. Share every detail with me."

"I will," she promises. Her eyes memorize your face, as if imprinting it.

Unable to resist, you bring your lips together in one more kiss. It's longer, deeper, conveying all the words you cannot say.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

You finally break apart, both breathless. With a last caress of her hand, you watch as she steps into the security line. Just before the crowd obscures her, she turns and blows one final kiss.

And then she is gone from sight, off to embark on this new chapter. You stand rooted in place for a long moment, already feeling her absence. But beneath the ache is pride and excitement for her.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

With a bittersweet smile, you turn and walk towards the airport exit.

≋ ≋ ≋

The morning drags on into the afternoon as you go through the motions of your classes and obligations. Laura's absence feels palpable, a constant dull ache in your chest. But finally, evening approaches, bringing the anticipated moment of her arrival in Paris.

As it nears her landing time, you practically glue your eyes to your phone. Finally, a text pops up:

[9:58 PM] Laura: Landed! About to get off the plane. So tiiiiiired but yay!

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You grin, immediately responding:

[10:00 PM] You: Yay! Welcome to Paris, love! How was the flight? Get some rest soon!

[10:05 PM] Laura: So long but not too bad. Got a little sleep. In line for customs now, these people are slowww. Talk later! Xoxo

You quickly type back:

[10:06 PM] You: No problem, glad you’re feeling good! Text me when you're all settled in your room. Love you!

You lean back on the couch. You can perfectly picture Laura, bleary-eyed yet buzzing with excitement as she joins the customs queue. Soon her adventure will truly begin, and you won’t be a part of it.

You stare at your phone for a little longer, willing another text to appear. But the screen remains stubbornly blank. With a sigh, you start preparing for bed. As tired as you are, sleep likely won't come easy tonight without her familiar warmth beside you.

≋ ≋ ≋

Several hours later, your phone buzzes to life, rousing you from a light sleep. Squinting against the glare, you see a message from Laura.

[2:14 AM] Laura: Made it to my room! Look, a bed - my new best friend 🛏️ Jetlag is so real right now.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She looks exhausted but happy. You quickly type a reply:

[2:15 AM] You: Yay, you survived the Paris streets! Tres chic! You look beautiful as always. 😍

[2:16 AM] You: Make friends with some strong coffee! Go get a croissant or something :)

[2:20 AM] Laura: Ugh easier said than done! Who decided suitcases should have wheels anyway? These cobblestones are the worst. 😩

[2:21 AM] Laura: But I'm in the city of lights! Pinch me. Don't pass out just yet...

You grin sleepily at her exuberance before another text comes in.

[2:25 AM] Laura: I’m so exhaustedddddddddd

[2:25 AM] Laura: Just a quiiick nap…

[2:27 AM] You: Get some rest, mademoiselle. But don’t sleep too long! Adjust that clock. Let me know how your first day goes!

You set your phone aside, eyes already drifting closed again. As you fall back asleep, you picture Laura out exploring the Paris streets in the morning sunlight.

≋ ≋ ≋

Morning sunlight streams through the window as your alarm blares, rousing you from sleep. Bleary-eyed, you silence your phone and begin scrolling through the messages from Laura.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[4:12 AM] Laura: In front of where I’m staying!

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[5:15 AM] Laura: You know I had to 😅 thank you nice lady in a dress for taking the picture

[5:20 AM] Laura: also everyone dresses so nice here… I feel like a slob in a t shirt lol

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

A smile tugs at your lips as you see she’d stayed up exploring Paris after all.

As you stare at the photos, another text comes in:

[8:05 AM] Laura: Bonjour from Paris! How are you mon chéri? 🥐

[8:06 AM] Laura: I hope you’re awake! I miss you I miss you I miss you…

[8:07 AM] You: Bonjour mademoiselle! I'm great, I’m awake! How was your day so far? You got busy!

You do some quick mental math. It's already early evening for her. You wait anxiously for a reply.

[8:15 AM] Laura: It's going well! I’m so so so tired I’m going to pass out tonight 😫 Still adjusting but trying to stay awake. Being touristy and stuff helped.

[8:17 AM] Laura: I just spent the whole day missing you! I wish I could have done this stuff with you. I’m back at my apt now

[8:19 AM] You: I wish too! Want to jump on a call? I want to hear about your day.

[8:21 AM] Laura: ahhhh I can’t! About to go to a dinner with the other people from the program and some of the locals. I’m glad I caught you though.

[8:22 AM] Laura: I thought I’d get a little sexy pose set up for you to give you a good morning…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[8:23 AM] You: 😍Well now you’ve given me something to enjoy in bed this morning…

[8:27 AM] Laura: 😇 enjoy away… ok I wish I could enjoy too but I have to get dressed… everyone dresses so nice here.

[8:40 AM] Laura: looking tres chic?

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You feel a pang seeing her in that dress, knowing you won’t be there. But you push it down. Hopefully it’s not this hard every morning.

[8:43 AM] You: Tres tres. I miss that dress… have fun!

[8:50 AM} Laura: Thank you! I love you. Ok I gotta go early and figure out the metro, have a great day!

The rest of your morning feels off. Getting ready alone, making coffee for one, walking to class solo - her absence is palpable. You feel untethered, hoping this unease will fade in time. This is already harder than Cabo. Everything was just a potential then, a cute girl to text that seemed too good to be true. Now you’ve been through so much, and there’s all this distance, and she’s making new friends… you picture her at a cozy French bistro, drinking wine, surrounded by new friends. An irrational flicker of jealousy sparks but you push it down. This is her time to flourish.

Best not to think about it.

≋ ≋ ≋

Noon rolls around with still no word from Laura. You try not to obsess, busying yourself with chores and errands, but can't deny the gnawing unease.

Finally, your phone chimes with an incoming text:

[12:03 PM] Laura: Hihihihihi! Finally back at my little room. Omg I met so many great people. 🤩They are still going out late but I am just way too fried.

[12:03 PM] Laura: How's your day so far? What is it, like noon?

Relief floods through you at the upbeat message. You quickly type back:

[12:05 PM] You: Yup! So glad you had a great time. Get some sleep, finally! My day's been boring without you, just some errands and cleaning. About to head to the gym actually.

[12:07 PM] Laura: Yes! Keep that bod sexy for me. Also I had some wine tonight 🙈

[12:08 PM] Laura: Want some motivation for your workout? 😏

[12:09 PM] You: Do you need to ask?

You grin, already anticipating her response. After a minute, your phone lights up:

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[12:11 PM] You: You know how to get the testosterone going… it’s going to be a good workout!

[12:15 PM] Laura: I misssss you. Though I’m way too tired to work out now

[12:15 PM] Laura: just gonna close my eyes here

You set your phone down, shaking your head with a smile. Yeah, Laura knows how to brighten your day. Your earlier unease fades away. She’s definitely passed out already.

As you walk to the gym, you wonder more about the dinner. How are her classmates? How are the guys? You take a deep breath, trying to clear your mind. You have to trust that and not get lost in your head. This is stupid.

Channeling your swirling emotions into determination, you push yourself hard during your workout. By the time you finish, your earlier tension has transformed into satisfying exhaustion. You feel centered again. Laura is following her dreams, and you won't let paranoid thoughts drag you down. It’s just a few months.

≋ ≋ ≋

Later that night, you're lying in bed unable to sleep. Laura still hasn't responded - she's likely passed out for the night dealing with jetlag.

Your eyes drift over to the topographical map of the lake that she gave you. You remember how excited she was to give it to you, saying she wanted it to remind you of her. You really didn’t need any help.

You smile softly, running your fingers over the engraved date. Yesterday feels so far away already. So much has changed since then, even though nothing has.

A weary sigh escapes you as you set the map down. Day one of being apart complete, about 80 left to go. The thought makes your chest tighten. No, better not to count. Thinking in terms of three long months right now seems unbearable.

Instead, you'll take it one day at a time. Make new memories here to share with Laura, so you're both continuing to live fully. Her absence already feels like a tangible ache, but it's one you'll grow accustomed to.

You reach to turn off the lamp, hoping sleep will take the edge off your longing. As your eyes close, you picture Laura tucked into her Parisian bed on the other side of the ocean. And then your phone lights up, a text!

You grab your phone, squinting against the sudden glare. Expecting a late night message from Laura, you're surprised when Jo's name pops up instead.





… You’ve never texted Jo before, and you can’t honestly say you expect her to text like this, but you’re somehow not surprised. You smile at her antics.

[10:55 PM] You: Hey, imagine how I feel! I think she’s still absolutely passed out right now.

[10:57 PM] Jo: Awww, poor baby boy 😩😩😩. He doesn’t have his sexy girl to rub all over him anymore.

[10:58 PM] You: Hey! You weren’t complaining about any rubbing around when you got a view…

[11:00 PM] Jo: Touche, touche, as our Parisian Laura would say.

[11:00 PM] You: Btw, did they give you another roommate?

[11:03 PM] Jo: Nope! Didn’t have enough time. It’s all mine. I’m drunk with power. I’m going to have 10 boys over at once and nobody can stop me.

[11:05 PM] Jo: It’ll be like this: 😈🍆 😈🍆 😈🍆 😈🍆 😈🍆 💃 😈🍆 😈🍆 😈🍆 😈🍆 😈🍆

You laugh out loud. Jo certainly has a way with… words?

[11:06 PM] You: I’ll believe it when I see you land one 🍆, maybe master that before you go for 10!

[11:07 PM] Jo: Hey! Rude. Also true.

[11:10 PM] Jo: Also, my first classes are in two days. I’m bored. 😴😴😴 Coffee tomorrow or smth?

[11:11 PM] You: Let’s do it! I’m bored too.

[11:12 PM] Jo: Great! Let’s send Laura a selfie and make her jealous 😁

[11:13 PM] You: I guarantee she’s already missing me enough as is.

[11:13 PM] Jo: More like missing ME enough as is. You’re just her pyt boy toy 🤣

[11:14 PM] You: You’re just jealous of the sexy pics she sent me today 😏


You silence your phone and smile, leaving Jo on read. Seeing her tomorrow will be fun.

You drift off to sleep with a smile.