
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Distance, crossed.

Chapter 27

Oct 11, 2023

You stare at the cryptic text from Laura's cousin Zoe, your mind still reeling from your fight with Laura. After two agonizing days of silence, this surprise message is the first you've heard from Laura's inner circle.

You tap out a tentative reply:

[10:42 PM] You: Hi Zoe, yeah, this is Laura's boyfriend.

[10:43 PM] You: Whats going on?

The typing bubble appears immediately, anxiety knots your stomach.

[10:43 PM] Zoe: Hey! So here's the deal. Laura called me super upset the other day about your big fight.

[10:43 PM] Zoe: I could tell she was really torn up over it. I hated hearing her so down.

Your heart sinks. This is it, she sent Zoe to do the break up.

[10:45 PM] You: I'm so sorry to hear that. The fight was entirely my fault. I was way out of line and feel awful about it.

[10:46 PM] Zoe: I know hun. You’ve been bad.

Your heart sinks even further. Yup, this is it.

[10:47 PM] Zoe: But I want you to listen to this a bit first.

[10:47 PM] Zoe: Before I jump into anything, I need you to understand Laura a little deeper.

You pause for a moment. What is going on?

[10:49 PM] You: Okay, I'm listening.

[10:50 PM] Zoe: Laura grew up in a pretty rigid environment. Her parents, my aunt and uncle, were really strict. Traditional, like, in a bad way. They had these notions of what she should be, and she never really had the freedom to explore who she truly was.

[10:52 PM] Zoe: I remember this one time, when she was in high school, I took her out to buy a sports bra. A simple thing, right? She’s always been so fit, and into sports.

[10:53 PM] Zoe: But when her parents found out, they flipped. Called it inappropriate, immodest,took it away. Crazy. It was just one of the many ways they controlled her. Kept her confined.

[10:54 PM] You: I knew she had conservative parents, but not like that, not that bad…

[10:55 PM] Zoe: Not many do. And Laura? She became introverted, reserved, hiding her true self. It was as if she was constantly tiptoeing around her own life, avoiding any missteps. She was always the quiet cousin, reserved. Different than the kid I knew.

[10:57 PM] Zoe: But then, at my wedding, something had shifted. The Laura I had sadly grown accustomed to started to change. She seemed... lighter. Happier. I remember that night, she had a few drinks, and her parents were mad, but she didn’t care. She was a different person. Dancing, laughing, her eyes full of life. I hadn't seen her that way since we were kids.

[10:59 PM] Zoe: I found out later that she'd met someone special. You; the change in her was evidence enough. With you, she's come out of her shell. It's like you've given her permission to be herself. She's rediscovered her voice, her joy. Whatever you’ve done with her, it’s been good for her.

[11:01 PM] You:I… I don’t know what to say.

[11:03 PM] Zoe: That’s why I'm telling you this. To emphasize that despite the hurdles, what you two have is rare. A connection that brings out the best in each other. I’ve seen the sunnier Laura, and I genuinely believe it's because of you. Just remember how transformative love can be and how crucial it is to cherish it.

[11:05 PM] You: That means a lot, thank you. I feel the same way about her. I hate that I fucked everything up. It was stupid behavior. Jealousy, stress. Idk.

[11:06 PM] You: not an excuse, just, I’m ashamed.

[11:07 PM] Zoe: Oh trust me, I get it. You’ve been stupid. Long distance is hard. But you’re young, and you can learn. Part of this was to check on if you get it. And it seems like you do.

You’re death gripping your phone at this point, scared, and excited for what might come next.

[11:09 PM] Zoe: The important thing is you care and want to make it right. As long as the love is there, you can get through challenging times. I have faith for you crazy kids!

Zoe's optimism lifts your spirits. With time and effort, perhaps you and Laura can heal this rift.

[11:11 PM] You: Thanks so much for the pep talk, Zoe. It really means a lot. I'll do whatever I can to make things right with Laura when she's ready. I’ll try harder to talk to her, I’ll call her more, text her… anything to get to her and tell her how sorry I am and that I’ll work on it. Can you let her know to call me, please?

[11:13 PM] Zoe: That's what I like to hear! And actually...I may have already gotten the ball rolling on helping you two kids reconcile.

She pauses. You hold your phone anxiously, waking the screen the second it sleeps.

[11:14 PM] Zoe: So, how do you feel about Paris?

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

[11:15 PM] You: Paris? What do you mean?

[11:16 PM] Zoe: I wanted to do something special for Laura, something she'd never forget. And lucky, you, you’re something she’ll never forget right now. And well...

You can feel your heartbeat in your throat.

[11:17 PM] Zoe: I've booked a flight for you. To Paris. A chance for you both to reconcile, away from everything. A fresh start..

You practically choke in shock.

[11:19 PM] Zoe: I know, I know, it's major! But I could tell this situation called for a grand gesture. There's nothing like a face to face meet-up to get things back on track.

For a moment, you're stunned, trying to process her words.

[11:19 PM] You: Zoe, are you serious? That’s...incredible. Overwhelming. I don't even know how to thank you.

[11:20 PM] Zoe: Just promise me you'll make the most of this chance. Paris has a way of healing hearts and igniting passions. Just be honest, open, and love her like she deserves.

[11:22 PM] You: I promise. I'll do everything in my power to make things right with Laura. This is more than generous, Zoe. I'm genuinely at a loss for words.

[11:23 PM] Zoe: Life’s short, kiddo. Sometimes you need to take big leaps, literally and metaphorically. She loves you, and you love her. I want to see my cousin happy, and if flying you to Paris helps with that, then so be it.

[11:24 PM] You: I’m boarding that plane with nothing but gratitude and hope in my heart. Thank you, Zoe. For everything.

[11:27 PM] Zoe: Don't mention it! That's what family is for. I just want to see my favorite cousin happy again. Bring our girl some sunshine!

[11:27 PM] Zoe: Safe travels. Make it count. And send me a postcard!

After putting down your phone, you sit in stunned silence trying to process it all. A surprise trip to Paris this weekend to see Laura. You can hardly believe it. The details flood in as she starts sending you flight information and ticket transfer links.

You let out an incredulous laugh remembering when Zoe did the same thing, whisking Laura away to her lavish Cabo wedding last year. Her dramatic gestures and presumptuous planning seem fundamental to Zoe. The rich cousin indeed…

But you quickly scold yourself for looking this gift horse in the mouth, even fleetingly. She’s handed you an incredible opportunity to make things right with Laura. Face-to-face, with no screens between you, you'll be able to sincerely apologize and show Laura how committed you are to regaining her trust. You can tell her about the therapy appointment, and how you really feel, and… so much more.

Looking around your room, your eyes fall on the topographical map with the day and month of your first date engraved at the bottom. You trace the etched numbers, remembering both your first and second lake dates, and how nervous yet exhilarated you felt that first day, how comfortable and right it felt on the second trip.

Filled with hope, you clutch the frame to your chest, trying not to tear up. By this time next week, you could be gazing into her eyes once more. Thanks to Zoe's generosity, you have a real chance at redemption if you seize it.

This surprise trip feels like a sign - your love is worth fighting for. With optimism swelling in your heart, you start gathering everything you'll need for the journey ahead. No more inactivity, it’s time for action. Zoe’s right, it’s time to bring your girl some sunshine.

≋ ≋ ≋

The morning air is crisp and clear as you hike up the winding trail to the lake. With everything that has happened lately, you needed some time alone in nature to think.

As you walk, your thoughts drift back to the explosive fight with Laura. Her angry accusations about your friendship with Jo had cut deep. At the time, you felt offended that Laura didn't seem to trust you.

But with the benefit of hindsight, you're starting to understand Laura's perspective better. She was thousands of miles away in a foreign place, while you grew closer to the flirty, irreverent Jo back home. Even though you and Jo were purely platonic, you can see how it planted seeds of doubt in Laura's mind.

Insecurity fueled her, but it pushed you further. You realize now that Laura was acting out of fear - fear of losing you to someone who got to spend time with you every day. Someone who didn't have to contend with the strain of distance. And how would you have reacted if you got a text like that from a friend about her? You realize you’ve been a major dick.

You shake your head, wishing you had recognized her vulnerability sooner. But the important thing now is reassuring Laura of your complete commitment to her, that you recognize you’re in the wrong, and you’re going to do better. With this trip to Paris, you'll be able to tell her in person just how dedicated you are to nurturing your connection.

As you reach a vista point, you pause to take in the breathtaking view.

You make the decision then not to give Laura any advance notice about your visit. Showing up in Paris unannounced will demonstrate the lengths you're willing to go for her. It's a grand gesture to sweep her off her feet and take her by surprise. Romantic.

And more importantly, arriving unexpectedly means you and Laura will have to truly talk things through in the moment. No time for overthinking or building up walls again via text. The face-to-face setting will create an intimacy for you to really address the root of your conflict.

You picture Laura's astonished face when you turn up in Paris out of the blue. How you'll take her hands in yours and let your guard down. Share openly about your insecurities, how the distance between you has exacerbated those small doubts. You recognize it’s ok to be jealous, but it's your job to deal with that. You’ve learned that now. Therapy will help, but you’re handling it now, right this moment.

But most of all, you'll make sure Laura knows this surprise trip is proof that your relationship is your priority. You're willing to leap on a transatlantic flight at a moment's notice for her, and for your future together.

With this romantic plan in mind, you continue your hike with a lighter heart. You and Laura still have healing to do, but now you feel hopeful for what's possible. Your love is worth fighting for.

As you loop back around towards your car, you picture arriving on Laura's doorstep out of the blue, flowers in hand. Laura opening her door, the shock melting into delight once she realizes you're really there. Throwing her arms around you as you swing her into an embrace.

Then you'll stroll together through the romantic Parisian streets you've heard so much about. You'll check out the funky little cafes Laura described that you've tried to imagine. Go to that park she loves where you can talk uninterrupted for hours.

When Laura asks how long you're staying, you'll simply smile and say, "As long as it takes." You're prepared to do whatever is necessary to reconnect, however long that may be. This is just the beginning of you proving your dedication.

Filled with excitement and nervous energy for the days ahead, you make your way back to the trailhead where your car awaits. Wheels are set in motion both figuratively and literally. In just a few days, you'll be surprising your love an ocean away.

For the first time since your fight, true hope for reconciliation flutters in your chest. The challenges aren't over, but you're ready to face them head on now.

≋ ≋ ≋

As the plane lifts off the tarmac, your stomach fills with butterflies. This transatlantic journey would be the trip of a lifetime under other circumstances.

You absentmindedly watch the ground shrink away out the window. But your mind is elsewhere - lost in thoughts of Laura and your imminent surprise reunion.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Your chest aches as you go through memories of her. Her laughing at you as you awkwardly explain your new girlfriend to your parents, overdressed in a pizza parlor, then back together, alone…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Working out, in her variety of sports bras that you would never have guessed had caused her so much grief…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Sweet dates, learning more about her, and her gentle smile…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Intimate moments, just the two of you…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

The sparkle in her eyes when she looks at you as you lie in bed together…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her wide eyes as she shivers in the alpine lake... You could keep going, but you pull yourself back to the present.

You cling to the belief that the love you’ve built is strong enough to overcome this current hardship. You’d give anything for her to call you a nerd right now.

Of course, nagging worries creep in too. What if the surprise factor backfires? Or Laura doesn’t want to see you after how things were left? You know showing up unannounced is risky. Nothing is guaranteed, and you aren’t owed anything, even with a grand romantic gesture. But you have to trust your instincts.

As you fly over the Atlantic, you play through various reunion scenarios in your head. Effusive excitement, gentle joy, or even awkward tension to start - you prepare for any reaction from Laura. Whatever it is it’s worth it: you need communication, wherever that may lead.

Gazing out at the blankets of clouds around the plane calms your nerves. Up here, suspended in the sky, everything happening below feels a bit distant. All you can do now is breathe and ready your heart. Whatever comes next, you’re ready to fight for the love of your life.

A few terrible movies later, the pilot announces the descent towards Paris. Your pulse quickens as the City of Love comes into view out the window.

The romantic European architecture makes your imminent grand gesture feel all the more momentous. You have to laugh thinking about yourself jet-setting across the world just for a weekend rendezvous. How fancy. Here you are, chasing love across continents, still keeping the spark alive. It feels special to be able to surprise the woman you love in such an extravagant location.

As you shuffle through customs, you shift focus to the more practical side of the surprise visit. You go over the plan - a train ride into the city, picking up flowers, navigating the streets, rehearsing what you might say when she opens the door and sees you standing there.

By the time you get onto the train outside the airport, your hands are clammy and your mind is racing. But you take deep breaths, centering yourself for the mission ahead. Whatever comes, you know this trip was the right impulsive decision.

Love has guided you here, across an ocean, with the chance to show Laura she's truly your whole world. Now it's time to bridge the distance once and for all - both the miles between you and the space that's opened up in Laura's heart. With her name etched boldly across your own.

≋ ≋ ≋

Stepping outside the train station, you're immediately engulfed by a wave of Parisian sights and sounds. The busy city streets feel worlds away from the quiet college town you just left. It doesn’t help that you’re absolutely exhausted from 16 hours of travel. You couldn’t sleep a wink on the plane.

You hoist your backpack over your shoulder and navigate the crowded sidewalk, dodging locals pedaling bikes and chattering rapidly in melodic French. Everything is so much more vibrant and chaotic than you expected. No wonder Laura was nervous.

The buildings crowding the block are a mishmash of styles - ornate stonework and wrought-iron balconies interspersed with sleek modern towers. You crane your neck taking in all the textures and details that delight the eye.

Shops and cafes line the busy avenue, with strange names you can't pronounce. Flower boxes burst with blooms in hues you didn't know existed. The sugary scents drifting from a patisserie as you pass make your mouth water.

You fumble to get your bearings and find the route to Laura's apartment. But between your sleepy brain and no cell service, you feel thoroughly disoriented.

Paris is somehow more vast yet compressed than you pictured. The labyrinth of dense streets seems utterly confounding compared to the familiar grid back home.

After wandering for what feels like ages, you finally locate the florist Zoe recommended near Laura's place. The charming little shop overflowing with bouquets livens your spirits.

You take your time selecting the perfect arrangement for Laura. Delicate lilies, fragrant roses, playful wildflowers - each petal carries a meaning you hope to convey. How much you've missed her. Your deep affection. The beauty she brings to your world.

Purchase in hand, you shuffle back onto the busy streets. By now the exhaustion is really getting to you, making your head fuzzy. All the dazzling sights and sounds blur together into a dizzying medley.

Yet through the fog of exhaustion, anticipation sustains you. You're so close now to seeing Laura's face, hearing her voice, holding her in your arms again. Just have to put one weary foot in front of the other to reach her door.

The early evening sun bathes the aged stone buildings in a romantic glow befitting this city's charms. Paris does indeed feel magical, you muse dreamily. Hopefully some of that magic will rub off when you sweep Laura off her feet.

With renewed vigor, you check the address once more before ascending the entryway stairs. Take a deep breath. Give your rumpled hair one last nervous smooth. Then, heart pounding, you lift your hand to the call box...

Almost there. Time to see if this surprise romantic gesture pays off.