
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Happy sixmonthaversary

Chapter 31

Jan 13, 2024

The gnocchi - gnoccis? - stare back at you like a row of doughy, accusatory eyes from the pan, their potato-to-flour ratio glaringly out of balance. They've swollen to twice their intended size, bearing a closer resemblance to misshapen marshmallows than the delicate pasta-dumpling hybrid morsels you'd envisioned.

The kitchen is a disaster zone, the fallout from your culinary misadventure strewn across the counters—a pot of over-boiled water, a heap of discarded potato skins, and the traitorous recipe book with its now glaringly obvious instruction: "Mix in flour gradually."

Just when you're contemplating the number of a reliable takeout place, a pair of arms slip around your waist from behind. You just barely catch a hint of Laura's familiar scent as you turn your head.

"Is this what happens when you try to impress me?" she teases, her voice dancing with amusement. You can feel her laughter against your back, a soothing balm to your cooking-induced stress, even if she is poking fun.

Turning in her arms, you flash her a grin, flour-streaked fingers brushing against hers. "I was thinking of drowning it in red sauce and cheese,” you say, “That should cover up any... textural issues."

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Laura chuckles, her fingers tracing the dusting of flour on your apron. "That'll solve everything," she confirms, her eyes sparkling with humor. "I'm sure it'll be delicious anyway. It's the effort that counts, right?"

You just grunt and turn back around, moving around gnocchi monstrosities.

"How much garlic did you use in the sauce?" Laura asks.

"A lot," you confess. You begin to scoop the doughy dumplings into ramekins, your movements a bit more confident.

"Good," Laura approves, a smile in her voice. She likes her food flavorful, something you've learned over the months.

As you continue with your task, her arms find their way around your waist again, her hands beginning a teasing exploration across your chest. Her touch is distracting, her fingers tracing patterns on your shirt that make it hard for you to focus on the task at hand.

"Cooking is hard like this," you complain without really complaining, your voice catching slightly as her hands continue their exploration.

Her hands continue their journey downward, and one of them brushes against your crotch. "Oh, it's hard, alright," she confirms, her voice soft. The pun hangs in the air, a promise of the night to come.

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Her hand continues its exploration, growing bolder as she traces the line of your belt, her fingers pressing into your immediately growing arousal through the fabric of your jeans. The warmth of her touch seeps through the denim, a tantalizing sensation that makes you pause in your cooking.

Her other hand traces a path up your thigh, brushing against the inner seam of your jeans, her touch light but firm. She sneaks her hand further up until both are firmly tracing the outline of your cock in your jeans, her movements growing bolder as she slides up and down your shaft.

You let out a soft sigh, your hands stilling on the ramekin. Her touch is distracting, intoxicating, making it hard to focus on anything other than the sensation of her fingers against you.

"Wait," you manage to say, turning in her arms. "The halfaversary present comes after dinner."

She laughs, her fingers giving you one more squeeze before withdrawing. The sound of her laughter fills the kitchen, a sweet melody that makes you smile despite your cooking frustration.

"I'll change for dinner then," she says as she heads to the living room, shooting you a sexy look over her shoulder.

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"Ooh, fancy," you reply, watching her disappear into the other room. The promise of the night ahead, a little celebration of your six-month journey together, fills you with anticipation. Gnocchi disaster or no, you know a night with Laura can’t go wrong.

≋ ≋ ≋

Seated at the table in his apartment, Laura eyes the gnocchi with an amused smirk playing on her lips. "You know, it’s not quite what I expected gnocchi to look like,” she says, her gaze flitting between you and the ramekin.

“You mean you didn't expect them to look like puffy little clouds?” you retort, feigning ignorance. She picks up her fork and stabs a piece, bringing it to her mouth. As she chews, her eyes widen in surprise.

“Hey, this isn't half bad,” she concedes, the playful smirk now replaced with genuine surprise. “Texture is off but the flavor is great.”

“I was trying to do it Roman style,” you explain, a flush of pride warming your cheeks. “You know, Gnocchi alla Romana.”

“I like it,” she replies, reaching for another piece with her fork.

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You lean back in your chair, a satisfied grin on your face. “Well, all girls like pasta,” you say.

Laura raises an eyebrow at you, her lips curving into a playful pout. “Oh, really? And here I thought you were above such baseless generalizations,” she counters, her tone one of mock outrage.

“Baseless? I wouldn't call it that,” you defend, keeping the playful tone. “There's something about gluten in noodle form that women find irresistible. It's just science.”

Laura shakes her head. “Oh, is that so? And where did you read this ground-breaking research?”

“Would you believe me if I said it was in a very-prestigious-and-totally-real scientific journal?”

“Well, if it's in the ‘very-prestigious-and-totally-real scientific journal?’, who am I to argue?” she says. Her eyes twinkle with mischief as she angles her fork towards you, a tender morsel of gnocchi skewered on the prongs. “You know, there is one true universal truth about girls,” she declares, her voice thoughtful.

Your curiosity piqued, you lean back in your chair, returning her gaze with a quizzical expression. “And what’s that?”

“Every woman,” she begins, “absolutely adores a man who cooks.” Her statement hangs in the air, and she hits you with the siren eyes.

A ripple of warmth spreads through you. The idea of being the man she adores makes a slow, pleased grin unfurl across your face. “Even if they fuck up the texture?” you ask.

“Even if you fuck up the texture.”

There’s a quiet comfort in the admission, a promise of many more shared meals and cooking adventures. The hint of future intimacies, of culinary triumphs and disasters, makes your heart swell.

“In any case, this,” she gestures towards the ramekin, “is a promising start.”

You give her a grin and pop another gnocchi into your mouth.

≋ ≋ ≋

Laura sets her fork down, her meal finished, and her attention is on you. “I think the cook deserves a special thank you,” she murmurs, her voice turning sultry.

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Your heart skips a beat at the implication, your gaze dropping to her lips. “How does one thank the cook, exactly?”

A coy smile plays on her lips. “You’ll just have to unwrap your sixmonthaversary present,” she teases, her eyes holding yours in a tantalizing promise.

With that, she rises from the table, her movements fluid and graceful. The candlelight dances off her silhouette, casting a warm glow that outlines her athletic form. “I'll get your present ready,” she says, her voice a tantalizing whisper.

As she saunters away, a confident sway in her hips, you’re left in a state of breathless anticipation, watching as she disappears into the bedroom. She’s so confident and comfortable in her skin now. It makes you swell with pride to see her move with so much confidence.

And swell in other areas too.

As Laura disappears into the bedroom, you turn your attention to the dishes. The task is a welcome distraction, a way to channel your anticipation. The clinking of cutlery and the soft slosh of water bring a calming rhythm, grounding you in the moment while your mind races ahead.

Minutes pass, each one a tick of mounting excitement. Then her voice, sultry and inviting, drifts from the bedroom. "You can come in now."

Your heart thrums in your chest as you dry your hands and make your way to the bedroom. The door creaks open to reveal a sight that steals your breath away. Laura is propped up on the bed, her figure adorned in lingerie that leaves little to the imagination. The delicate lace hugs her curves, the dim light accentuating the lines of her tight body.

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She turns her head to look at you, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Do you like your present?" she says. She arches her back and gives you a little wiggle.

As Laura's question hangs in the air, you step into the room, your fingers already working on the buttons of your shirt. You can feel her gaze on you, a sizzling connection that sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine.

One by one, the buttons give way, your shirt hanging open. You shrug it off, letting it fall to the floor, your attention focused entirely on Laura. You approach the bed, your heart pounding in your chest. After six months, she can still do this to you.

Reaching out, your fingers find the smooth skin of her back. You trace the lines of her body, your touch firm. Laura shivers under your fingers, a small, pleased sigh escaping her lips. You explore further, your hands gliding down her back, following the curve of her waist and the swell of her hips.

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The room is filled with a charged silence, punctuated only by the soft rustle of fabric and the occasional sigh escaping from Laura's lips.

Her body moves under your hands, an invitation for more. The anticipation, the desire, the promise of the night to come fills the room, a palpable energy that crackles with intensity. She lays down on her stomach, enjoying your touch as you take your time feeling her body.

Your hands continue their journey, tracing the contours of her body and finally resting upon the roundness of her perfect ass. The fabric of her delicate lingerie traces the shape of her perfectly. Your fingers splay across her, appreciating the firm muscle hidden beneath the soft skin.

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She responds to your touch with a subtle arch of her back, raising her backside into your hands. She’s willingly displayed for you. The dip of her waist, the curve of her hips, the tantalizing lace of her lingerie - you squeeze, enjoying the feeling of her. She presses into your palm, rocking side to side ever so slightly.

With undisguised enthusiasm, you place one hand on either cheek and grab, digging your fingers into her. She means softly, and pushes back harder against your hands. You slide your fingers under the lace, enjoying the feeling of being captive underneath her panties.

“Why do you still have clothes on?” she says, turning around briefly, before running a foot along the inseam of your thigh.

With your heart pounding in your chest, you reach down to unfasten your pants. The process is awkward, but in moments the fabric pools around your feet.

You step out of them, standing there completely bare. The room's temperature seems to spike, as Laura turns her head to take in the sight of your erection. The soft glow from the bedside lamp casts a warm light on your body.

Returning your hands to her, you find the curve of her back once more. You lean forward, pressing your cock against Laura’s arched backside, sliding it along the lace. Her soft moan fills the room as you press your erection firmly against her. The feeling of her, the sensation of the lace, the pressure...

She pushes back against you, her movements creating delicious friction. Her moans of anticipation grow louder, the sound driving you wild. You can feel her body moving rhythmically against you, each motion sending waves of desire coursing through you.

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You lean forward, pressing your bare chest against her back. Your lips find the nape of her neck, planting soft kisses as she continues to grind against you. She closes her eyes and leans her head back as you taste her skin, your naked body pushed up against her.

Laura gently starts to turn, creating a small space between your bodies. You make some more space, and with a graceful motion, she flips over onto her back, her eyes meeting yours. A small, appreciative smile crosses her lips as she takes you in, her gaze roaming over your naked body. You’re between her legs, on your knees.

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Her hands reach for you, fingers wrapping around your cock. The sensation of her touch sends a thrill through you, a shudder of anticipation. Her hand moves, fingers gently sliding across your shaft. You buck your hips forward, and she gives you a full squeeze.

With a playful pull on your member, she beckons you forward. You follow her lead, scootching up on your knees and moving over her legs to straddle her torso. The position shift puts your erection pointed right at her face, inches from her lips. The sight of her below you, looking up with a lust-filled gaze…

You're slightly elevated, perched above her in a dominant position. Her head rests against the headboard, her body reclined beneath yours. The lace of her lingerie contrasts with the creaminess of her skin, drawing your attention to the curves of her body. Your arousal throbs in her grip.

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Laura's lips meet your erection with a sensitive kiss, the contact soft and exploratory at first. The sensation sends a jolt through your body, a shudder of pleasure. Then, her kisses grow more passionate, her lips moving with an eager rhythm.

With a slow, deliberate motion, she takes your erection into her mouth. You feel it slide along her bottom lip, then onto her tongue. She closes her mouth over you, running her tongue along your cock. You can feel the wet warmth of her mouth, the gentle pressure of her lips, the teasing flick of her tongue.

From your position, on your knees straddling her torso, you have a clear view of her. Her eyes look up to meet yours, a silent promise in their depths.

She works you with her mouth, a rhythmic motion that has your head spinning. Her hands, still wrapped around your arousal, move in sync with her mouth, creating a rhythm that would have you release in her mouth if you weren’t focusing on making this lastt.

Suddenly, Laura stops, pulling back slightly. She looks up at you, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. "You can be a little rough if you want," she murmurs, her voice low and sultry.

"... What do you mean?" You ask, uncertainty creeping into your voice as you catch your breath.

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Without answering, Laura gives you an encouraging smile and guides your hands to her head. Her hair feels silky smooth under your fingers. "I just really want to thank the cook," she says, her voice playful, but thick with desire.

Taking her invitation to heart, you gently grip her hair. Your body responds instinctively, your hips bucking, pressing into her mouth at a pace you set. The movement is slow at first, a cautious exploration of this new dynamic.

The soft moan that escapes from Laura's lips encourages you. Her eyes meet yours, as you move your hips back, pulling your cock out of her mouth, her gaze filled with lust. "Yes," she breathes out, her voice husky. "What do you want, my love? Take it."

Emboldened by her words, you tighten your grip on Laura's head, a little more forceful this time. Your hips start to move, pressing firmly into her mouth. Her hands find your ass and pull your hips forward, and you oblige, pumping forward a little faster, pulling her mouth onto your cock. You can see her eyes widen slightly, a spark of surprise quickly replaced by a glint of excitement.

With a deep, deliberate thrust, you press yourself deeper into her mouth. The sensation is intense, a rush of pleasure that leaves you breathless. Her eyes go wider, and you worry for a second you’ve pushed it too far, but she pulls your hips forward, deeper, holding you deep for a moment as she makes a quiet gurgling noise. You pull out, and she gasps, the cool air on your cock a stark contrast to the warmth of her mouth.

Laura's gasps, a hint of surprise flashing across her face. But then, she laughs, a soft, breathy sound that sends a shiver down your spine. The sight of her, so willing, so eager, is a vision that will be etched into your mind forever.

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Without missing a beat, she dives back in. The feeling of her tongue on you is incredible. You contribute too, holding her head and thrusting into her. You find a rhythm, her soft gasps and moans mingling with yours as you pump into her mouth.

With a gentle tug, you pull back, your arousal slipping from her mouth. "I want to do that to you some more," you say, your voice husky with desire, "but I want you to come."

Her reply is immediate, a breathless "yes, please." She looks up at you again, with an almost begging look that makes your heart pound in your chest.

Moving with a purpose, you flip her over onto her stomach again. Your fingers find the edges of her lingerie, the delicate lace now in the way. She arches her back, and you pull it down, the fabric sliding smoothly against her skin. The sight of her, ass in the air, so willingly displayed, sends a rush of desire coursing through you, and you slide against her entrance. She breathes in sharply.

Before you enter her, your hands roam her body, tracing the contours of her back, the swell of her hips, the roundness of her buttocks. Each touch sends tiny shocks of electricity through your fingertips, the connection between you sizzling with intensity.

Laura slides her legs up and presses her palms onto the bed. She gets onto her knees, the sheets beneath her crumpling under the weight. With a clear invitation, ​​she presses her backside against you. "Please," she breathes out, her voice a whisper that sends a shiver down your spine.

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You position yourself at her entrance. The anticipation builds, a bubble of desire that makes your breath hitch. With a slow, deliberate motion, you push into her. The feeling is incredible, she’s already so wet that you meet no resistance as you slide into her. You go in just a quarter of the way, slowly, and you feel her shudder around you.

You pull out, only to push back in again, a slow, deep thrust that takes you all the way to the hilt. The room fills with a soft, shared moan. You hold there for a moment, and she wiggles her hips, pressing you against her internal walls.

Your hands find Laura's hips, your fingers digging into the soft flesh. You pull out slowly, and then start a rhythm, pulling her into you by your grip at her side.

The coupling is intense, a blend of raw passion and deep intimacy. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, the sensation amplified by the soft moans escaping from Laura's lips.

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She moves with you, her body responding to each thrust with a delightful shudder. Her hips push back against you, meeting each of your movements with a rhythm of her own.

Laura's hands roam her own body, her fingers tracing the curves and settling on her breasts. She pinches her nipples with one hand, the other steadying her against the bed. Her head tilts back, her moans growing louder with each thrust. You reach around her front and find her other breast with your hand, feeling its firmness sway as you thrust into her.

In moments, you return your grip to her hips, increasing your rhythm and thrusting harder. She responds greedily to your increased effort, a half-whispered half-moaned “Yes…” escaping her lips.

Laura arches her back aggressively, her body curving in a graceful bow. Her face presses into the pillow, the fabric muffling her moaning. Her back makes an aggressive arch down now, her ass high in the air.

Leaning forward, you tower over her. Your hips start to move with a renewed intensity, each thrust harder, more aggressive, driving her down into the bed. The sound of your bodies colliding fills the room driven by your raw passion.

Your fingers dig into Laura's hips, holding her in place as you pound into her. The sensation is intense, a rush of pleasure that leaves you breathless. Laura's moans grow louder, a primal sound that echoes in the room. Her body responds to each of your thrusts with a delightful shudder.

Laura's fingers clutch the bedsheets, her knuckles white with the force of her grip. "I'm going to come," she moans out, her voice shaking from the shaking of her body your thrusts produce.

Instead of slowing down, you increase your pace, each thrust harder, more relentless. Her moans turn into cries of pleasure, her body shaking with the intensity of her impending climax.

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Her hands push against the headboard, her body arching as she rides the waves of pleasure. Her cries fill the room, as you feel her contract around you, her motion stilling into high-frequency shakes around your cock.

You give her a moment of frozen pleasure before you press her back into the bed, continuing your relentless rhythm. As Laura's climax builds again, her body tightens around you. With each spasm of pleasure, her hips buck against you, matching the rhythm of your thrusts.

Meanwhile, your own climax builds, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge. The sensation of her body, so tight around you, the sound of her cries, the feel of her hips moving against you - it's a sensory overload. In moments, she’s lost in the throes of another orgasm, her body trembling with the intensity of her release.

With a final, deep thrust, you come. You pump into her, releasing while fullying sheathed in her, pressing down on her back, and driving her into the bed. Your body shudders, your breath hitching as you ride out the waves of your climax.

Exhausted, you collapse next to Laura, your body slick with sweat. Your chest rises and falls with each labored breath, the afterglow of your climax still humming through your veins.

Laura is in a similar state, gulping air as she comes down from the high of her own orgasm. Her hair is stuck to her face from sweat, and her body totally spent. Yet, there's a wide, silly grin on her face.

"Holy shit,” she manages after a few moments of panting. "I like that," she says, her voice still breathless. "Do that to me more."

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"If you insist," you reply, eyes closed, splayed out. Laura swats you playfully, a spark of mischief in her eyes.

She rolls over and starts kissing you passionately. Your bodies meld together, your lips moving in a rhythm that's become familiar over the past six months. After a while, she rests her head on your chest, her breath tickling your skin.

"Happy 6 months," you say, your voice low and tender.

"Happy 6 months," Laura replies, her voice muffled against your chest. "I love you."

"I love you too," you say.

As you lay there, basking in the afterglow of your shared pleasure, you can't help but look forward to what the next six months will bring.

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