
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover


Chapter 3

Aug 23, 2024

You and Amy settle down next to each other on the warm sand. The sound of the waves and the distant laughter of Jo and Laura create a soothing backdrop. You find yourself relaxing, the earlier stiffness melting away.

Amy turns to you, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "So, fellow nerd," she says, her tone playful, "have you read any good sci-fi lately?"

You can't help but grin at her question, pleased to have found a kindred spirit in your love of the genre. "Actually, yeah," you reply, your enthusiasm evident in your voice. "I just finished this book about this first contact story. There’s this intelligence that shows up in the solar system, and it’s really dark in tone and like…"

Before you can finish your explanation, Amy's eyes light up with recognition. "Wait, Blindsight? With the consciousness stuff?" she asks, her words tumbling out in an excited rush.

You nod, a little taken aback by her familiarity with the book. "Yeah, exactly! Have you read it?"

Amy closes her eyes in quiet bliss for a moment. She makes a contented noise, and you see her relax, her nudity forgotten.

a naked woman laying on a towel on the beach
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"It’s so good talking with someone who actually likes sci-fi! Read it? I devoured it last year! It absolutely blew my mind. The scope of it, the ideas... I mean, the ideas he poses about minds are so cool..." She trails off, shaking her head in wonder.

From there, the conversation flows easily, the two of you bonding, the fact that you’re both still totally naked completely forgotten in the moment. Amy fills you in on some of her favorite authors and series, her intelligence shining through with every word.

As you talk, you can't help but marvel at how comfortable you feel with Amy, even in your current state of undress. There's no awkwardness, no self-consciousness – just a genuine connection.

You find yourself studying Amy as she speaks, taking in the way her eyes sparkle with excitement, the way her hands gesture animatedly as she describes her favorite scenes and characters. She's beautiful, you realize, not just physically but in the way she engages with the world around her, the way she radiates intelligence and curiosity.

After a particularly enthusiastic tangent about the potential for faster-than-light communication, Amy falls silent, her gaze drifting out to the horizon. You can sense a shift in her demeanor, a slight tension in the set of her shoulders that wasn't there before.

"Hey," you say softly, nudging her with your elbow. "Everything okay?"

Amy takes a deep breath, as if steeling herself for what she's about to say. "Can I tell you something?" she asks, her voice hesitant. "Something I haven't really talked about with anyone else yet?"

You nod, your brow furrowing with concern. "Of course. You can tell me anything. I mean, probably anything."

Amy nods, her fingers fidgeting with the sand beneath her. "I applied to this amazing graduate physics program on the East Coast," she says, her words coming out in a rush. "It's one of the best in the country, with some of the most brilliant minds in the field. And... I got in. Full ride and everything."

Your eyes widen, a grin spreading across your face. "Amy, that's incredible!" you exclaim, leaning over to give her a congratulatory hug before realizing that nakedness might make that a bad move. You settle on awkwardly patting her shoulder instead. "Congratulations!"

a nude woman laying on a beach towel
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But Amy doesn't seem to share your enthusiasm. She offers you a weak smile, her eyes still troubled. "Thanks," she says, her voice subdued. "It's just... It's so far away, you know? And it's not just the distance. It's the fact that I'd be leaving everyone and everything I know behind. And Jo... It's a lot to think about. And… I haven't told her yet."

You nod, understanding dawning on you. "It's a big decision," you agree. "But Amy, I mean, full ride. You have to do it!"

Amy sighs, her shoulders slumping. "I know," she says, her voice small. "But what about Jo? What about our relationship? I don't know if I can ask her to come with me, to uproot her whole life like that."

"Hey, Jo is super into you," you say, your voice firm with conviction. "And when you love someone, you support them in pursuing their dreams, even if it means making sacrifices. I’m sure she can deal. Long distance is a thing, you know. And so are video chats."

"You're right," she says with a sigh. "I need to give her more credit. Jo never fails to back me up. I should trust that she'll support me in this too."

“Exactly," you say. "You two are solid. A little distance won't change that."

Amy looks at you and smiles. "Yeah, good point," she says. "I'm still nervous, though."

Just as you're about to offer more words of encouragement to Amy, Laura and Jo come bounding up the beach toward you, water glistening on their bare skin in the golden light of the setting sun. Your eyes widen as you take in the sight, your body reacting involuntarily to the vision of beauty before you.

Despite your best efforts, you feel a stirring in your loins, your cock beginning to harden once more. You shift uncomfortably, trying to will your growing erection to behave, but it's a losing battle.

Laura plops down next to you, panting from the exertion of her swim. She leans in to press a kiss to your cheek, her wet breasts brushing against your arm as she does so. The contact sends a shiver down your spine, and you clench your jaw, fighting to maintain control.

But Jo, ever observant, notices your predicament immediately. She lets out a loud whoop, her eyes smoky as she takes in your nude form.

"Well, well, well!" she crows, her voice filled with gleeful amusement. "Looks like somebody's enjoying the view!"

The look she gives you elicits the hint of a frown from Amy.

a beautiful red haired woman with big tits on the beach
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Laura glances down, her gaze falling on your rapid stiffening. A blush stains her cheeks, but there's a glint of something else in her eyes too – a hint of arousal, of appreciation for the effect she has on you.

Feeling exposed, you grab a towel and quickly drape it over your lap, trying to preserve what little modesty you have left. "It's a perfectly natural reaction," you mutter, your face burning with embarrassment.

Jo cackles, her laughter ringing out across the beach. "Oh, sure!" she teases, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "'Natural reaction,' he says! More like someone's packing a concealed weapon! You need a license for that thing!"

Laura's reaction is swift and tinged with protective warmth as she swats at Jo's arm. “Leave him alone, Jo!” she scolds, her brow furrowing in a playful glare that you detect hides some genuine discomfort. “It's not like he can control it.”

Jo's smirk only deepens, her enjoyment clear in the teasing lilt of her voice. "Fine, fine," she concedes, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "But seriously, if that thing gets any harder, we could use it to hang our towels out to dry!"

Amy glares up at Jo from her lounged position. “Hey, Laura said to leave it be, Jo.”

Jo rolls her eyes. “Come on, it’s nothing that the boy – the big boy – can’t handle.”

“Ugh, get over here you animal,” Amy says, pulling Jo down to join her on her blanket.

Laura's hand comes to rest gently on your arm, her fingers drawing small, soothing circles against your skin.

"Don't worry about it," she murmurs, her voice low and reassuring. "I like your 'natural reactions.' I happen to find them quite flattering."

"Yeah?" you ask.

Laura nods, her eyes soft with understanding. "Yeah," she confirms. "I mean, it's a pretty big compliment if you think about it."

"I mean, have you seen yourself? Naked, wet, and glistening? Emerging resplendent from the surf like the birth of Venus? Of course I'm going to react."

a naked woman with big breasts standing in the water
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Laura grins, leaning in to press a quick, chaste kiss to your lips. "Oh, so you were paying attention in that art history class after all!” she grins. Pausing, her expression becomes more serious. “And I wouldn't have it any other way," she whispers.

As the laughter and teasing subside, a sense of peace settles over your group. You all lie back on your towels, content to bask in the warmth of the setting sun and the gentle caress of the sea breeze against your skin.

Laura cuddles up to you, her body molding perfectly to yours as she nestles into the crook of your arm. Her leg slides over yours, smooth and sun-warmed, and you become acutely aware of the press of her sex against your thigh. It's not helping make this towel useful for preserving modesty.

Jo and Amy are cuddling and wrapped up in quiet conversation. After a stretch of comfortable peace, They rise to their feet, hands intertwined.

“We’re going to go take a walk,” Amy says.

a naked woman standing on the beach at sunset
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“Don’t go too far!” Laura says. Amy nods, and the pair set off down the beach, their figures silhouetted against the golden glow of the horizon.

As they disappear from view, Laura shifts slightly, rocking her hips forward in a barely perceptible motion. The movement is subtle, but it's enough to make your breath catch in your throat, your body responding instinctively to the promise of her touch.

"You know," she murmurs, her voice low and sultry, "I love the way you look at me. And I love being alone with you. It’s cute that you can’t control yourself."

Her words send a shiver down your spine, your cock twitching beneath the towel that covers your lap. "Cute for you, embarrassing for me," you breathe.

Laura smiles, a slow, sensual curve of her lips that makes your heart race. Her hand begins to wander, trailing down your torso and slipping under the towel.

"Oh yeah?" she whispers, her fingers tracing, tickling along the rough hairs low on your pelvis. "What are you so deeply embarrassed about?"

Her hand dips lower, wrapping around your hard cock. You gasp at the contact, your hips bucking involuntarily as she begins to stroke you with a slow, teasing touch.

a beautiful naked woman on the beach
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"Do you like that?" she asks, her voice a husky purr that sends heat rushing to your groin. "There’s nothing shameful about your body. You helped me realize that.”

Her fingers tickle along your shaft, gently brushing the ridge of your tip. Your erection bucks, filling Laura’s hand.

“I mean, I’m not complaining,” you start. “But one pep talk about getting naked hardly counts as a transformative experience.” Laura starts to withdraw her hand, and you swiftly add “but then again, maybe I do deserve a reward.” Her fingers wrap satisfyingly around you again.

“You goober, I’m not talking about today,” she says between the tickling kisses she’s planting on your neck. “I’m talking about this past year. From day one. Thanks for helping me get over… everything.”

“Oh yeah, that,” you say as you lie back, enjoying the sensation of her tongue on your neck and her gentle strokes along your length.

“Do you like the way my hand feels on your cock?" She whispers the words against your ear, her breath hot.

A bolt of lightning shoots through you. "God, yes," you groan, your eyes fluttering closed as you surrender to the sensation of her touch. "It feels amazing."

Laura hums in satisfaction, her grip tightening around your shaft as she works you with languid strokes. She takes her time, enjoying every inch of you, tracing the veins that run along your length, teasing the sensitive underside with the pad of her thumb.

"You're so hard for me," she murmurs, “I love the way you feel in my hand, the weight of you.” As she speaks, Laura grinds her pussy against your thigh, the slick heat of her arousal wetting your skin. “Jo can look, but she can’t touch. You’re all mine.”

You moan at her words, your hips thrusting up into her fist as she starts to pump you faster, harder. She works you under the towel, her hand sliding along your cock, her bare breasts pressed against your arm. The friction is exquisite, the pleasure building in your core like a rising tide. You want to close your eyes and just give in to the sensation, but you feel the need to keep watch for anyone getting close enough to see what you’re doing. The possibility of being caught heightens the excitement.

"Fuck, Laura," you pant, your breath coming in ragged gasps as she works you closer and closer to the edge. "This is risky, you’re going to make me make a mess.”

"I don’t care," she hisses, her hand moving faster, her grip tightening around your shaft. "Come for me, baby. I want to feel you pulse in my hand. I’ll clean it up with the towel."

Just as you're teetering on the brink, your balls drawing up tight against your body, you hear the sound of laughter in the distance. Your eyes snap open, your heart pounding as you realize that Jo and Amy are on their way back.

Laura notices it too, and with a final, regretful stroke, she withdraws her hand from beneath the towel. You bite back a groan of frustration, your cock throbbing with unspent need.

a woman laying on a beach towel at sunset
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"To be continued," she murmurs, pressing a kiss to your cheek as she sits up, arranging the towel to fold over itself to hide the evidence of your public transgression.

You nod, taking a deep breath to try and calm your racing heart. “It better be,” you say, taking deep breaths to lower your heart rate. “Where’d the dirty talk come from? I… I liked it.”

Laura blushes. “I thought you might like it,” she says quietly, now timid. “I hope there’s a good sound barrier between our rooms wherever Jo booked for us, because I’m going to make some noise for you tonight…”

"Well, well, well," Jo drawls as she flops down onto the sand beside you, her grin wide and knowing. "What have you two been up to while we were gone? Looks like you've been having all kinds of fun."

Laura laughs after clearing her throat. "Oh, you know," she says, "just some quiet time, catching up on all the nothing we've been doing."

Her hand finds yours, her fingers intertwining with your own in a secret pact. You squeeze back, a silent acknowledgement of the promise that hangs in the air, the unspoken heat that simmers just beneath the surface.

As your group begins to gather their things, the sun dips lower on the horizon, the sky finally beginning to darken. You watch Laura as she sunbathes in the golden light of sunset, casting her in an almost ethereal glow. She stretches, her body a graceful arc, and you feel your heart swell with a rush of love and desire.

a nude woman laying on a towel on the beach
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Jo claps her hands together, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, my little nudists," she announces, her voice filled with excitement. She looks down at your bulge beneath the towel. “Well, one big nudist. What do you say we go find the secret cabin I booked and see what other trouble we can get into?"

a nude woman with red hair posing on the beach
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Amy rolls her eyes, but there's a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Lead the way, oh fearless one," she says, her tone dry but affectionate.

As you all begin to make your way up the beach, the sand cool and soft beneath your feet, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. Despite your reservations, it looks like Jo’s planned this trip well after all. Or is it just the easy camaraderie and simmering undercurrent of desire?

And as Laura falls into step beside you, her shoulder brushing against yours with every stride, you know that the best is yet to come.

You lean in close, your lips brushing the shell of her ear as you whisper, "I can't wait to get you alone."

Laura shivers, her eyes darkening with want as she meets your gaze. "Me neither," she murmurs, her voice low and heavy with promise. "I have plans for you tonight."

With that, she gives you a quick, heated look before quickening her pace to catch up with Jo and Amy, leaving you to follow in her wake, your heart pounding with anticipation of what the night will bring.