
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover


Chapter 8

Sep 27, 2024

As the bathroom door closes behind Amy, you and Laura find yourselves alone on the bed. The emotional intensity of the past hour has left you both drained, yet somehow energized. Laura turns to you, and on her face, you read a novel in her expressions: gratitude for what you have. Appreciation for the friend you are to Amy. Relief that the conflicts of your past are just that – in the past. Without a word, she leans in, pressing her lips to yours.

The kiss starts gentle, a tender reassurance, but quickly deepens. Time seems to stretch and compress all at once. You're vaguely aware of the sound of running water from the bathroom, but it feels distant, unimportant. Laura's hands roam your back, her nails lightly scratching, sending shivers down your spine. You respond in kind, your fingers tracing the curve of her waist, the soft swell of her breast as you slip your fingers into the cleavage of her dress.

The click of the bathroom door opening startles you both. You break apart, breathing heavily, to see Amy emerging wrapped in a robe. Her short blonde hair is damp and tousled, her skin flushed from the hot water. She looks impossibly cute, almost vulnerable in her state of undress. You hastily remove your hand from Laura’s dress.

a beautiful young woman in a robe

"Sorry," Amy mumbles, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she realizes she's interrupting. "I'll just... grab my clothes and change in the bathroom."

Before either of you can respond, the cabin door swings open. Jo steps inside, her earlier anger replaced by a subdued sadness that tugs at your heart. Her eyes meet Amy's, complex communication flashing by in a glance.

Amy takes a hesitant step forward. "Jo, I..." she begins, her voice soft and uncertain. "I'm sorry. Can we talk?"

Jo's expression softens, hope mingling with the lingering frustration in her eyes. She nods, following Amy’s berobed form outside.

You and Laura move to the kitchenette, busying yourselves with preparing lunch. However, your sandwich-making efforts aren’t your finest work as your eyes are continually drawn to the window. You catch glimpses of Amy and Jo talking, their body language tense at first but gradually softening.

"They're hugging," Laura murmurs, a smile in her voice. You look up from slathering mayo to see Amy gently brushing her thumb across Jo's cheek, their foreheads pressed together. The intimacy of the moment makes you feel like an intruder, and you quickly avert your gaze.

Laura gives you a warm smile. "They're so cute together," she says.

You nod in agreement, wrapping an arm around Laura's waist and pulling her close. "They really are," you murmur, pressing a kiss to her temple.

Lunch turns into a chill afternoon, and a peaceful lull settles over the cabin. You find yourself dozing on the couch. Just as you start to drift off, you feel Laura’s kiss against your forehead.

“Hey babe,” she whispers, brushing your hair to the side. “We’re thinking of going to the beach? Want to come?”

You grunt and shake your head, grateful to catch up on some sleep from the active night before. Laura smiles and kisses your forehead again, telling you to get some rest. She doesn’t have to ask twice.

≋ ≋ ≋

You're not sure how much time has passed when you're awakened by the sound of laughter. The girls are returning, their faces flushed with sun and happiness.

"How was the beach?" you ask, blinking post-nap confusion from your eyes.

Laura's eyes sparkle as she answers. "It was great. We had a really good time bonding and talking about... stuff."

There's something in her tone, a hidden something to her words that you can't quite decipher. You raise an eyebrow questioningly, but Laura just smiles, a secret dancing in her eyes.

As you watch the girls chatting and laughing, their earlier tension completely dissipated, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. Whatever happened at the beach, whatever "stuff" they talked about, it's clear that it's brought them all closer together. Must be girl stuff.

You pull Laura down and into your arms, savoring the warmth of her body against yours. As the sun begins to set, sky morphing into brilliant hues of orange and pink, you find yourself filled with a deep appreciation and happiness. And also hunger.

“Dinner, anyone?” Jo says.

You lean up, hauling a giggling Laura up with you comically.

“You read my mind.”

≋ ≋ ≋

As night falls, peace settles over the cabin. The group bustles about, preparing for bed. Laura is the first to strip down, confidently moving about in just her bra and panties. Her newfound self-assurance is evident in the way she carries herself, a subtle but noticeable change from earlier. Following Laura's lead, the others begin to undress as well. Jo and Amy shed their clothes, leaving them in their underwear, while you strip down to your boxers. There's a casual intimacy to the scene as you all move around the cabin, making the bed and tidying up the kitchen. Nobody seems in a rush to put on pajamas. The energy in the room feels charged after a long day of intense emotions. You’re unsure if it’s just you, but it’s like after all of the hubbub today, things are teetering on the edge of something… undefined. Amy seems particularly in sync with your mood, her eyes wandering appreciatively over Jo and Laura as she lounges at the dining room table. You settle on the edge of the pull-out bed, absently scrolling through your phone. Laura joins you, leaning in close to speak privately. "You know," she murmurs, her breath warm against your ear, "I really want to make sure Amy is comfortable with everything we talked about earlier. I just want her and Jo to get along." You nod, glancing over to where Jo is sprawled on her stomach on the bed, her curves accentuated by her barely-there panties. Amy is seated at the kitchen table, her gaze fixed on Jo. "What do you mean? It seems like their conversation went well today," you reply, your words just for Laura. "Jo looks happy."

a woman in a red thong laying on a bed
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Laura follows your gaze, nodding in agreement. "Still," she persists, "shouldn’t we bring it up or something?" You shrug, uncertain. "How would we? And why? What are you getting at – everything seems okay." As you speak, your eyes drift back to Jo and Amy. Amy has moved from the kitchen table and is now perched on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on Jo – specifically her ass – with a mix of affection and something else - a heat you’ve only seen from her once before.

a woman in a black bra and panties

Laura follows your gaze, a small smile playing at her lips. "They do look good together, don't they?" she murmurs, her voice low enough for only you to hear.

You nod, watching as Amy reaches out, her fingers ghosting along Jo's spine. Jo shudders into the touch, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"Hey," Jo says, her voice playful as she turns her head to look at Amy. "That tickles."

Amy's smile widens, and she repeats the motion, this time letting her nails graze lightly against Jo's skin. Jo squirms, a giggle escaping her lips. "Oh, so that's how it's going to be?" she teases, wiggling her hips slightly.

The movement draws all eyes to Jo's ass – certainly a calculated move on her part. Amy’s eyes linger. Her hand hovers for a moment, as if she's considering something. Then, with a playfulness that seems to surprise even her, she gives Jo's ass a light tap.

It's not quite a spank – more of a pat really - but it's enough to make Jo gasp. The sound hangs in the air for a moment, and you feel the atmosphere in the room shift suddenly.

You look over at Laura quickly to gauge her reaction. She grins back at you, and gives you a wink. She raises an eyebrow, a silent question in her eyes. You shrug slightly, equally unsure of what's about to unfold.

Jo turns her head, looking at Amy over her shoulder. There's a challenge in her eyes, a spark of mischief. "Is that all you've got?" she asks, her voice low and teasing. Before Amy can respond, Laura chimes in. "That ass looks so spankable," she teases. "It surely deserves some more." What in the world – Something settles in Amy. She straightens her posture, and you see a glimmer of that hardness from earlier returning to her eyes. "Oh, you want more?" Amy asks, her voice carrying a hint of authority that you've never heard from her before.

Jo's eyes widen slightly, but her grin only grows. She wiggles her hips again, more deliberately this time. "Maybe," she purrs, the word an invitation.

Amy glances around the room, her eyes meeting yours and Laura's briefly. Something passes between the two girls, then Laura gives a small nod.

Amy raises her hand, letting it hover over Jo's ass for a moment. Then, with a swift motion, Amy brings her hand down. The sound of the spank echoes through the cabin, followed immediately by Jo's sharp intake of breath.

For a moment, everything is still. Then Jo lets out a low moan, her hips pressing back slightly as if seeking more contact.

"Oh," Amy breathes, pleased by Jo's reaction. "You liked that?"

Jo nods, her face half-buried in the pillow. "Yes," she says, her voice muffled but unmistakably eager. "Please, more?"

Amy positions herself more deliberately behind Jo, her hand raised once again. "Since you asked so nicely," she says, her voice low and commanding.

a beautiful young woman in a black bra and panties

As Amy begins to spank Jo in earnest, you feel yourself hardening in response to the display. Laura notices, a knowing grin spreading across her face as she leans in close to you.

"Well," she whispers, her breath hot against your ear, "I guess they figured it out after all."

As Amy's hand connects with Jo's backside two more times, you feel your arousal intensifying. The sound of skin on skin plus Jo's breathy moans... Your cock strains against the fabric of your boxers, the outline clearly visible.

Suddenly, Amy breaks into laughter. "Okay, that's enough," she says, her voice light but still carrying a hint of that newfound authority.

Jo spins around, capturing Amy's lips in a passionate kiss. "You're a good spanker," she murmurs against Amy's mouth, eliciting a pleased smile from the blonde.

Laura claps her hands together, grinning. "Bravo! Bravo! What a show," she says.

Amy responds with a mock bow, her cheeks flushed. But Jo's attention has shifted. Her eyes lock onto you, or more specifically, the clear outline of your manhood.

"Looks like Laura's not the only one who enjoyed the performance," Jo says. You shift uncomfortably, acutely aware as all eyes shift to your body. There’s silence for a moment as the girls admire your member. You’re not sure what to do, and then Amy's voice cuts through the air, firm and decisive.

"You should get it out."

a beautiful young woman in a black bra

All eyes swivel from your cock to her, surprise on every face. Amy's confidence falters for a moment under the sudden total scrutiny, a blush creeping up her neck. "I mean... not that I care. But it's nothing we haven't seen before, right? At the beach and all. I don't even like guys," she trails off, her earlier assertiveness fading.

Jo adopts a mocking tone, mimicking Amy's earlier words. "That's a different context than now, Amy!" Amy gives her a gentle shove, rolling her eyes. "Do you want to see it or not?" Amy says. Jo falls silent, adopting an exaggerated expression of innocence and looking away.

You hesitate, uncertainty gnawing at you. The beach had been one thing - natural, casual. This is different, more explicitly sexual. You turn to Laura, seeking guidance.

"This is different from what we talked about earlier," you say softly. "This is... putting on a show."

Laura meets your gaze, her eyes searching yours. "Do you want to?" she asks simply.

You look at Laura's inviting smile, then over to Jo's suggestive eyebrow waggle. The energy in the room is on a knife’s edge. Despite your uncertainty, you can't deny the thrill coursing through you. You nod.

Laura's smile widens. "Then I'm okay with it," she says, giving you a reassuring nod. “Let’s see it.”

Taking a deep breath, you stand. Your heart pounds in your chest as you hook your thumbs into the waistband of your boxers. With a swift motion, you pull them down, your erection springing free.

Laura, seated closest to you, has a perfect view. Her eyes widen slightly, desire flickering across her face as your cock sticks out straight, inches from her lips. Jo is equally transfixed, her gaze unabashedly roaming over your exposed form. Amy, true to her word, seems more interested in Jo's reaction, a small smile playing at her lips as she watches her girlfriend's obvious appreciation.

"Nice cock!" Jo exclaims, breaking the momentary silence. You laugh, your cock twitching visibly at the exhale of air.

You’re acutely aware of your nakedness as three pairs of eyes roam over your body. Laura's gaze is hot, a mix of love and desire in her eyes as they trace the lines of your body and erect manhood. Jo's stare is more blatant by the second, her tongue darting out to wet her lips as she takes in every inch of you. Laura's hand comes to rest on your thigh, her fingers ghosting along your skin.

"Okay, ladies," you say, your voice slightly husky with arousal and nerves. "What's going on here? What exactly are we doing?"

All eyes turn to Amy for some reason, who in turn suddenly finds the floor incredibly interesting. She fidgets with the sheets, her earlier confidence seemingly evaporating.

"Well," Amy begins, her voice barely above a whisper, "the three of you have all had... an experience together. I feel a little left out." She shuffles her feet, still not meeting anyone's gaze. "I mean, we don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable. I just thought..."

Before Amy can finish her thought, Jo leaps into action. "Say less, girl!" she exclaims, her hands already moving to unclasp her bra. The garment falls away, revealing her full breasts, nipples already pebbled with excitement. In one fluid motion, she hooks her thumbs into her panties and slides them down her legs, kicking them aside. Laura bursts out laughing. You blink rapidly, your brain struggling to keep up with the sudden turn of events.

Jo, now gloriously naked, places her hands on her hips. "We've given you a show," she says, her voice playful but with an undercurrent of desire. "Time for you to return the favor." She reaches for Amy's bra, but Amy swats her hand away.

"I can do it myself," Amy mutters, her cheeks burning as she removes her bra. Jo grins triumphantly, letting Amy pull her down onto the bed. They position themselves on their stomachs, propped up on their elbows, looking expectantly at you and Laura.

"Well?" Jo prompts, arching an eyebrow.

Laura's hand begins to move along your thigh, inching closer to your cock. The anticipation builds with each millimeter her fingers travel. Just as she's about to make contact, you gently grab her wrist, stilling her movement. She looks up and you raise your eyebrows to ask her silently, Are you sure?

a woman in a black bra and panties

“It’s okay,” Laura says as her hands continue to explore your body. As her hand finds your cock, her touch gentle and teasing, she says, "We girls did, uh, have a little conversation about this at the beach…" she says, her voice thick with arousal.

You swallow hard, your mind racing. "Well," you say slowly, "you did say you wanted to convince Amy you were serious about all this..."

Laura's smile widens, a mischievous glint in her eye. Before she can respond, Amy interrupts with an exaggerated cough.

"Not to be rude," Amy says, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm, "but if you’re putting on a show, I'd like something to enjoy too. Laura..."

Laura laughs. She steps back from you, her hands tracing the cup of her bra. "Well, if the lady insists," she says. She places her hands on your chest, gently but firmly pushing you down onto the edge of the bed. You sit, your naked form on full display, as Laura stands before you.

"Ladies," Laura announces, her voice low and sultry, "prepare yourselves for a show."

Jo whoops enthusiastically while Amy claps her hands together, a grin spreading across her face.

two women with big tits sitting on a bed
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Laura begins to move, her hips swaying. She turns, giving you a perfect view of her backside as she slowly lowers herself onto your lap.

"Oh, this is going to be good," Jo comments, her voice appreciative.

Laura glances over her shoulder at Jo and Amy and gives them a wink.

She begins to grind against you, the friction of her panties against your naked cock sending sparks of pleasure through your body. Your hands instinctively move to her hips, but she playfully swats them away.

"Ah-ah," she teases, "no touching. Not yet."

Amy lets out a low whistle. "Damn, Laura. Where'd you learn to move like that?"

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Laura winks at her. "A lady never tells," she says, her voice breathy as she continues her sensual movements.

Slowly, teasingly, Laura reaches behind her back, unclipping her bra. She lets the straps fall down, holding the cups in place for a moment and drawing appreciative murmurs from her audience. When she finally lets it drop, tossing it aside with a flourish, Jo lets out a whoop.

"Take it off, take it all off!" Jo cheers, earning a playful eye roll from Amy.

"God, you're beautiful," you breathe, unable to take your eyes off her.

Laura's cheeks flush with pleasure at your words.

"You're not so bad yourself," she murmurs, her lips brushing against your ear.

She begins to move again, her body undulating against yours. You can feel the heat of her through the thin fabric of her underwear, and it takes all your willpower not to thrust up against her. Her breasts, now free, brush against your chest as she slides across you.

a beautiful naked woman posing in a dark room
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"Oh my," Amy says, her voice thick with arousal. "This is... intense."

Jo nods in agreement, her eyes wide as she watches Laura's performance.

Laura smiles, clearly enjoying the effect she's having on everyone in the room. She stands once more, sliding her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. Agonizingly slow, she slides them down her legs, stepping out of them gracefully.

Now completely naked, Laura resumes her position on your lap. This time, there's nothing between you.

"Oh god," you groan as she begins to move, her wet heat sliding along the length of your cock.

Laura leans in, her breasts pressing against your chest as she whispers in your ear, "Do you like your show?"

You nod, unable to form words as she continues her sensual dance. She varies her movements, sometimes grinding against you, other times sliding her body up and down, her breasts brushing against your face.

a beautiful naked woman posing with her breasts
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"Holy shit," Amy says, any earlier hesitation seemingly forgotten. "Laura, you're... wow."

Jo nods emphatically. "Seriously, girl. You're giving me ideas for later," she says, casting a heated glance at Amy.

Laura laughs, the sound vibrating through her body and into yours. "Glad you're enjoying the view," she whispers, the lips of her pussy rubbing against the base of your cock. You can feel her wetness coating your cock as she slides against you, the sensation almost unbearable in its pleasure.

"Laura," you groan, your hands clenching at your sides as you fight the urge to touch her.

Laura smiles. "Touch me," she whispers.

Your hands immediately move to her hips, pulling her closer as she continues to move against you. The room is filled with the sound of heavy breathing and occasional appreciative murmurs from Jo and Amy. Your hands roam over Laura's body, feeling her tight abs, the round swell of her ass. You grab her breasts, palming them and bringing a nipple to your lips. Suddenly, her hand moves between your bodies, wrapping around your cock. You gasp at the contact, your hips involuntarily bucking up into her grip. Laura begins to stroke you, spreading her wetness across your shaft. Her thumb swipes over the head of your cock, spreading the bead of pre-cum gathered there. Your focus narrows to the exquisite sensation of her hand on you, the other girls on the bed fading away.

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"Does that feel good, baby?" Laura whispers, her breath hot against your ear. You nod, unable to form words as she continues to fondle your cock. Her grip tightens slightly, her pace increasing. You're lost in the pleasure; eyes closed, head thrown back. It's only when you realize that the room has grown quieter that you open your eyes, your gaze drifting to the other bed. The sight that greets you nearly makes you come into Laura’s hand. Amy is on her back, her legs spread wide, with Jo nestled between them. Jo’s red hair bobs up and down as she works her mouth over Amy’s sex. Amy’s hands are tangled in Jo’s hair, her back arching off the bed as she moans softly. Your attention is pulled back to Laura as she slides off your lap, kneeling between your legs. She looks up at you for just a moment before taking you into her mouth. The wet heat of Laura's mouth engulfs you, drawing a deep groan from your chest. Her tongue swirls around the head of your cock before she takes you deeper, her cheeks hollowing as she sucks. Your gaze flicks between Laura's bobbing head and the scene unfolding on the other bed. Jo's fingers have joined her mouth, pumping in and out of Amy as she licks and sucks at her clit. Amy's moans are growing louder, her body tensing. Laura pulls off your cock with a pop, her hand replacing her mouth as she strokes you. "You like watching them, don't you?" she asks.

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Before you can answer, a loud cry from the other bed draws your attention. Jo's fingers are moving at a frantic pace as Amy comes undone beneath her, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. As Amy's tremors subside, her eyes narrow. "My turn to make you melt," she says, sitting up and pushing Jo onto all fours. Amy positions herself behind Jo, her fingers trailing teasingly along Jo's spine before dipping between her legs. Jo gasps as Amy's fingers enter her, her head dropping forward as she pushes back against Amy's hand. Laura's mouth returns to your cock, her tongue tracing patterns along your shaft as she takes you deep. Your hips start to move, thrusting into her mouth, sliding your cock against her tongue. Suddenly, Laura pulls away, her breasts heaving as she looks up at you. "I want you to fuck me," she says, her voice thick with desire. You hesitate for a moment, your eyes darting between Laura and the scene on the other bed. "Are you sure? In front of them?" you ask, even as your body thrums with need. Laura nods, her hand still stroking your cock in long, languid strokes. "Stop asking," she says. "I’ll tell you if I change my mind. I want you inside me." She continues to stroke you, but your gaze is drawn back to Amy and Jo, watching as Amy's fingers pump in and out of Jo's dripping core. "A girl can only wait so long, you know," Laura says, a hint of playful impatience in her voice. That’s all you need. Laura squeals as you pick her up, putting her down roughly on the bed on her back. You position yourself between Laura's legs, the tip of your cock teasing her entrance.

“Oh fuck, you’re going to do it,” Jo's eyes are on you from her position on all fours. Her eyes flutter shut for a moment, her mouth opening in a silent “O” as Amy works. You see Amy's fingers working in and out of Jo, but her eyes too are on Laura, fixed with desire as you tease her clit with your rock-hard cock.

Slowly, you begin to push into Laura. Laura's back arches, a low moan escaping her lips as you keep going, going, until you’re completely hilted. You hold there, pressed all the way into her, and her body shudders, her hands finding your forearms and grabbing, hard.

"Oh god," Laura breathes, her fingers digging into your shoulders. "More, please."

a naked woman is laying on a bed with her hands on her breasts
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You begin to move, your thrusts slow and deep. Laura's legs wrap around your waist, locking you to her. You trace her abs, her breasts with your fingers as you establish a rhythm. You’re lost in the connection between you and Laura, when you become suddenly aware of movement beside you.

Amy and Jo have made their way over. Amy kneels beside Laura's head, her hand hovering uncertainly. "Is this okay?" she asks, her voice soft and hesitant.

Jo, grinning widely, positions herself next to you. "Give it to her!" she encourages, her voice husky with excitement.

You look down at Laura, seeking her approval. Her eyes meet yours, filled with love and trust. "Fuck," she moans as you thrust deep inside her, “everyone keeps asking if I’m ok,” you thrust into her again and her eyes flutter shut with pleasure. “I’ll say when I’m not, I promise.”

Amy shifts, gently lifting Laura's head into her lap. Her fingers threading tentatively through Laura's hair.

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You thrust into Laura again. Her gaze moving from Amy's face to your eyes. The trust and desire you see there sends a wave of emotion through you. You thrust again, and Laura’s whole body shakes with pleasure, her thighs and breasts rippling from your penetration.

Jo's hands start to trace patterns on your back, and when you glance at her, she gives you a smile and a thumbs up. She transitions the thumb into a fist, proferring it for a bump. You pull a hand from Laura’s thighs for a moment to gently punch Jo’s knuckles, but then Laura’s legs are clamping down, pulling you back into her. You thrust into Laura once more, drawing a deep moan from her, and her strong legs forcefully reestablish your rhythm as you pump into her.

Amy's hands find their way to Laura's breasts, kneading gently and teasing her nipples. Laura's back arches into the touch, a gasp of pleasure escaping her. Words seem to fail her as pleasure overwhelms her senses. Her eyes turn to you, locked to your face. You continue to move within her, your pace increasing.

Jo takes up a position beside you, one hand resting on Laura's thigh while the other cups your ass. "Come on," she urges breathlessly, "give it to her, she’s ready," Her hand moves to your ass, pushing you forward, driving you deeper into Laura.

As you move, Jo’s hand guiding your throbbing arousal forcefully into Laura, you take a deep breath and a moment to check in with yourself. The scene unfolding around you is intense, far beyond anything you've experienced. Yet, surprisingly, you find yourself feeling comfortable, even happy.

Your eyes search Amy’s face and she makes eye contact with you with a joyful smile.

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Laura’s eyes are closed in overwhelmed pleasure, her hands bracing herself against your stomach with her head cradled in Amy’s lap.

You don’t even need to turn to look at Jo to know she’s having the time of her life.

There's no jealousy, no discomfort – just a profound sense of connection, not just with Laura, but with everyone in the room.

Your eyes meet Laura's again as they flutter open, and you see your own feelings reflected there – love, trust, and a deep, private connection shared only between the two of you, despite your current bedfellows. In this moment, you know with certainty that, despite this escalation, there’s still something special and sacred between just the two of you.

With renewed enthusiasm, you continue to move within Laura, as Jo guides you forward, your thrusts becoming more purposeful. The room is filled with the sounds of pleasure – moans, gasps, and soft encouragements whispered into ears.

Jo's hands on your ass grow more insistent, urging you to increase your pace. "Harder," she breathes. "Faster. She can take it. She wants it."

"Please," Laura gasps, confirming Jo’s words. Her fingers dig into your arms.

You comply. Amy's hands continue to work Laura's breasts, her fingers teasing and pinching her nipples.

"Oh god," Laura cries out, her body trembling. "I'm close. I'm so close."

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Amy leans down, her lips close to Laura's ear. "Let go," she whispers. "We've got you."

Your own climax is building, a tight coil in your loins. Jo notices, her hand on your ass becoming more pushy. "Come on," she urges. "Give it to her. Come inside her. Fill her up."

Laura's body suddenly tenses, her back arching off the bed. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," she chants, her voice rising in pitch. Her inner walls clench around you, pulsing with her orgasm.

The feel of Laura orgasming on your cock pushes you over the edge. With a deep groan, you thrust deep inside her one last time, your release washing over you in powerful waves. You empty yourself into her, cum pumping out of you, filling her, your body shuddering with the intensity of your climax.

You can feel each pulse of your cock as it empties into her, her inner walls milking you for every last drop. Laura's legs tighten around you, holding you close as if she never wants to let go.

Your vision blurs, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensation. You're vaguely aware of the others around you – Amy's soft encouragements, Jo's excited gasps – but your focus is entirely on Laura. Her face is a mask of ecstasy, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. Her hands clutch at your back, nails digging into your skin, anchoring you to her.

You collapse onto Laura, your forehead resting against hers, both of you panting heavily. Your hearts race in tandem, thundering so loudly you're sure the others must be able to hear. As the initial intensity of your climax begins to ebb, a profound sense of connection washes over you. You open your eyes to find Laura already looking at you, her gaze filled with love, and a hint of awe. Without breaking eye contact, you lean down and capture her lips in a deep, tender kiss.

For a moment, everything is still. Then Laura lets out a long, shaky breath, her body relaxing beneath you. Amy strokes her hair soothingly, while Jo gives your ass an appreciative and not quite gentle pat.

The spell broken, you become acutely aware of your surroundings once more. The air is thick with the scent of sex and sweat, the room echoing with the sound of heavy breathing. You can feel the others' gazes on you, a mix of awe and arousal.

Slowly, carefully, you pull out of Laura. Jo reaches for your softening cock, but Laura's hand moves to hers, gently but firmly pushing Jo's away.

"No," Laura says, her voice hoarse. "That's off limits."

Jo immediately raises her hands in surrender, a playful smile on her face. "No problem," she says easily. "Just thought I'd offer a helping hand."

Laura chuckles weakly, her body still trembling with aftershocks. Amy and Jo carefully disentangle themselves, giving you and Laura some room to move around.

Jo turns to you, her hand raised for a high five. "That was fucking hot," she says enthusiastically. You can't help but laugh as you return the high five, the absurdity of the situation hitting you.

Amy, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright, chimes in. "The only thing that could have been hotter would have been if you were a girl," she says to you in a not quite apologetic tone.

Jo grins wickedly. "Nah," she says, "a token cock adds some nice variety to the mix. Spice of life and all that."

There's a moment of comfortable silence, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing as everyone comes down from their high. Then Amy turns to Laura, her expression hopeful.

"Laura," she says softly, "would you... would you go down on me?"

a naked woman sitting on a bed with her bare breasts
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Jo makes an excited noise, clearly enthused by the idea. You feel a twinge of uncertainty, not sure how you feel about Laura being with someone else in precisely that way. But Laura speaks up, solving any dilemma for you. She looks sheepish, her cheeks flushing. "I... I don't know," she says hesitantly. "I liked the touching this time because I trust you, but I'm not sure... I don't really like girls that way–"

Amy immediately holds up a hand, stopping Laura's explanation. "No need to explain," she says softly. "Everyone has their boundaries. Besides," she adds with a mischievous grin, "I can get off in other ways."

She turns to Jo, her voice suddenly taking on a dominant tone that makes Jo visibly shiver. "You. In position. I’m riding your face."

Jo's eyes light up, and she scrambles to comply, positioning herself on the bed. Amy gives you and Laura a wink before joining Jo, their bodies aligning in a perfect mirror image.

two women kissing in bed with a redhead
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You settle back on the bed, pulling Laura into your arms. She snuggles against you, her body warm and pliant. Together, you watch as Amy and Jo lose themselves in each other’s tongues.

Laura tilts her head up to look at you, her eyes soft with contentment. "Are you okay?" she whispers, her hand coming up to cup your cheek.

You nod, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "More than okay," you murmur. "You?"

She smiles, nestling closer to you. "Perfect," she says softly. Her attention is drawn to Jo and Amy as they further entangle into a complex 69.

“Wow,” she says breathily. “We should try that.”

You stare at the skinny blonde and voluptuous redhead as they enthusiastically work each other with their mouths.

“I could be convinced.”

With that, you lean back to watch the show.